Act urgently to safeguard the rights of tipped workers in Arizona. Learn why SCR 1040 poses a grave threat and how you can take action to oppose it. Don't wait, join the fight today!

Union Brothers and Sisters, 


We need your immediate attention and action to safeguard the rights and livelihoods of tipped workers across Arizona. SCR 1040, which has passed in the House and faces a final vote in the Senate tomorrow, poses a severe threat to these hardworking individuals.


This amendment to the Arizona Constitution will slash the incomes of tipped workers who rely on tips to make ends meet.


Why is This Bad for Tipped Workers?

In 2016, voters approved The Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act (Proposition 206), a crucial step in ensuring fair compensation for all workers, including tipped employees. Tipped workers face significant economic challenges, relying heavily on tips to supplement their income.


The deliberate attempt to deceive voters into thinking they are protected as tipped workers rather than having their take-home pay reduced is evident in the push to place this on the ballot under "The Tipped Workers Protection Act.”


The governor's office cannot veto this legislation. This means that the responsibility falls on us, as union members, to protect the rights and dignity of tipped workers.


Take Action Now!


Write your representative immediately and urge them to oppose SCR 1040. Tell them to VOTE NO on this bill that takes money out of workers' pockets! Together, as union members, we can make a difference and ensure that tipped workers are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Thank you for standing in solidarity with us to protect the rights of tipped workers in Arizona.