Squatters, gender identity, censorship, fall of the West, Bidenflation, and more...


In advance of an upcoming elective surgery, I have been on the phone with personnel from a local Tucson hospital to provide my medical history, insurance coverage, and other required information. The hospital does a great job and its employees are personable, professional, and thorough.

A charming woman asked me on one of the calls what my gender identity is.

Before answering the question, I said, “I know you’re required to ask the question, but I bet you get a lot of grief over it.”

She responded with a sigh, “For sure.”

The question is silly on more than one level, but particularly so in light of the fact that the surgical procedure in question can only be done on men who are biologically male, have all of their natural appendages, and want to keep all of them.



J.B. Shirk contributor to American Thinker: It is important to understand that censorship does not occur in a vacuum. It is a symptom of a worsening disease. It is an early indicator of the political repression to come. Like a canary in a coal mine, the criminalization of speech forewarns that State-sponsored terror and murder are not far away. First, certain words and thoughts are banned. Next, certain people are rounded up and imprisoned. Finally, certain “enemies of the State” are executed quite publicly. The imposition of fear supersedes the rule of law. Terrorism undergirds social order. Oppression replaces popular support. What is happening in the West today is a concentrated push for global communism.

Lars Møller contributor to American Thinker: . . .should the West really owe the rest of the world to go under? Is there any limit to our delusional self-torture? For the time being, it is up to us to decide for ourselves.

Michael Finch contributor to Frontpage Magazine: To prevail or fall, what destiny lays before us, what fate will precede, what will be determined, we have only our prayers, our sweat, our blood, our work ahead as His will stands before us. But we will not lay down, roll over, fade into the darkness of night, but will stand upon the shoulders of those before us, upon the rise of a new day, the sun returns, warming our spirits and igniting our freedom once more across this blessed land. America be strong and may God’s grace be upon us.

Robert Schmad contributor to Daily Caller: A major real estate company released a survey on Friday which found that renters and homeowners are significantly reducing their quality of life to afford housing under President Joe Biden.




Thousands of jobs have already been eliminated by California’s law to raise the minimum wage to $20 for restaurant workers, which goes into effect April 1st. For eight years, Michael Ojeda delivered food for a Pizza Hut in Ontario, California, using the income he received to support his family.

In December, the 29-year-old received a letter from the pizza franchise informing him that his employment was being terminated in February. The news shook him.

“Pizza Hut was my career for nearly a decade and with little to no notice it was taken away,” Ojeda said, whose story was recently highlighted by the Wall Street Journal.

Ojeda appears to be just one of the thousands of casualties of a new California law that will raise the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 an hour on April 1 for all restaurant chains that have at least 60 locations nationally.



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