First, Donald Trump started selling T-shirts printed with his mugshot.

Then, he started selling sneakers for $399 in February.

Now, he’s selling what he calls “God Bless the USA” Bibles for $60.

If there’s anything we know about Donald Trump, it’s that he cares about one person and one person only — himself. Someone this self-centered and egocentric has no business running for president.
All of this says a lot about how he views the American people, especially his own supporters. He thinks they’re suckers who will fall for anything. It's why we can’t let him near the White House again.
That’s how we end up with someone who profits off their business dealings with foreign countries while simultaneously serving as president of the United States. And that’s how we end up with someone who lines his own pockets at the expense of the middle class by passing tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy.
Sound familiar? That’s because we saw this exact same thing play out during Trump’s first term.
People like Elise Stefanik and Alison Esposito support him unconditionally, and that’s exactly why they’re wrong for the Hudson Valley.
Will you help us show Donald Trump, Elise Stefanik, and Alison Esposito that their selfish brand of politics has no place in the Hudson Valley?
Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.
Thanks for continuing to support Pat’s campaign. We’ll need your help every step of the way to defeat them in November.
— Pat Ryan for Congress