Hi John -
We hope this email finds you safe and healthy. A lot has changed since our last local action newsletter, as we’re now living in an unprecedented and uncertain time due to the coronavirus pandemic. As Reproaction shifts more of our work online, we are excited to share our first collaborative local action newsletter from the Reproaction organizing team. We plan to continue these until it makes sense to go back to the state-based local action newsletters you’ve been receiving each month.
The pandemic has brought to light many of the inequities that have always existed in our country’s health care system. We too are angered by anti-abortion politicians using the pandemic to try and stop people from getting essential and time-sensitive abortion care.
Reproaction’s mission has always been to increase access to abortion and advance reproductive justice. We remain committed to this work and will continue to hold anti-abortion politicians and leaders accountable.
It’s more important than ever that we take care of ourselves and one another. We are so proud to be in community with you, and hope to see you (online!) this month:
![Orange lines as the top and bottom border with the silhouette of a pregnant person on the left. To the right is the information listed below.] Orange lines as the top and bottom border with the silhouette of a pregnant person on the left. To the right is the information listed below.]](https://can2-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/data/000/387/243/original/MaternalMondayGraphic.png)
#MaternalMondays Tweet Storms
Every Monday in April | All Day
On Twitter: Follow us here
Follow Reproaction on Twitter to retweet and like our #MaternalMondays tweets every Monday this month. April is National Minority Health Month and includes Black Maternal Health Week April 11 through 17, so there will be a different theme each week promoting minority health.
Feel free to create your own tweets in accordance with the week’s theme:
Monday, April 6 - Let’s talk about racial health disparities
Monday, April 13 - What should we be doing to address maternal mortality
Monday, April 20 - Uplift the work of reproductive justice organizations
Monday, April 27 - Sharing how people in our communities feel about racial health disparities
Don’t forget to use and use the #MaternalMondays hashtag so we can share your content.

Local Organizing Webinar: How to Talk about Abortion and Bust Stigma Training
Thursday, April 23, 2020
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ET
Sign-up here.
Join Reproaction and NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia for a conversation about abortion stigma. We’ll bust myths and show you how to start transformative conversations about abortion in your community. We will also talk about the impact abortion stigma has on health care access, policy, and our communities. Participants are welcome to bring their own questions.
All are welcome, but sign-up is required.
Complete the Census
If you haven’t completed the 2020 census, now is the perfect time. What are you waiting for? Take the 2020 census NOW!
In this moment of uncertainty, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or helpless. Reproaction’s strategic plan affirms the importance of self-care, especially in activism and resistance.
Here are our self-care tips for April:
Get creative! Need inspiration? Artist Wendy MacNaughton, who illustrated Samin Nosrat's book Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, is holding daily #DrawTogether art classes on Instagram Live at 1:00 p.m. ET. Her classes are great for all ages. – Caitlin, Organizing Lead
Listen to a podcast! Check out Brené Brown’s new podcast, Unlocking Us, and her advice: “grieve the loss of normalcy and create a new normal for yourself.” - Eva, Missouri Organizer
Put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ whenever possible. Getting constant notifications about what's going on in the world can induce anxiety, and choosing how and when to receive your news is a great way to limit your daily screen time and alleviate some stress. I've been living with my phone on ‘do not disturb’ mode for years and it's honestly been a life-saver. - Nataley, Wisconsin Organizer
Self-care is an act of resistance. Be good to yourself. For more information about taking care of your mental health, check out this resource.
In Solidarity,
Caitlin, Evonnia, and Nataley
Reproaction Organizing Team
P.S. Donate here to support our work.