Hello John,
I'm sending you on the latest communication from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA). It provides additional information in relation to the list of essential services published over the weekend, particularly related to youth work services.
Read the complete DCYA Covid-19 Communication (3 April) here.
It notes that in the main, youth work services are not considered as essential services for the purposes of these measures with a very limited number of exceptions including essential outreach services, working to assist another state body in carrying out critical work covered in the list of essential services or participation in community response initiatives.
Also for information: Department of Rural Affairs & Community Development_COVID-19_Local Authority Volunteer Guidance_Flyer
I'd urge you to read the communication, and as ever if you have any questions or feedback, let me know.
Stay safe and stay well.
Kind regards,
Mary Cunningham
National Youth Council of Ireland