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The Report
A newsletter from The Hechinger Report
Liz WillenHi all!

Our nation’s vastly underfunded community colleges have always served a variety of populations, but this week we take a look at a crucial one that hasn’t gotten much attention: people who are recovering from substance use disorders. Community college can be integral to helping anyone who has struggled with substance use get back on their feet – and stay there.

At a time when some 29 million adults say they’ve had an addiction problem of some sort, the attention on these students is a win-win for the workforce and for a growing number of community colleges recognizing the need to recoup lost students, post-pandemic.

Also, check out columnist Jill Barshay’s look at the results of pay hikes for teachers in areas hard to staff, along with a fascinating look at how the promise and pitfalls of AI could change – and challenge – early childhood education.

Finally, I hope to see many of you next week at the sprawling ASU+GSV summit in San Diego. For great background reading in advance, sign up for our weekly newsletters and become a member.

Liz Willen, Editor
Main Idea 

Community colleges tackle another challenge: Students recovering from past substance use 

Collegiate recovery programs offer coaching and other services for people who’ve dealt with substance use, but they face funding and staffing challenges

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Reading List 

PROOF POINTS: When schools experimented with $10,000 pay hikes for teachers in hard-to-staff areas, the results were surprising

Special ed vacancies rose in Hawaii, while low-performing schools in Dallas experienced ups and downs

Authors and companies that pushed flawed reading method fight back

As schools change the way they teach reading, there’s been major fallout for those behind the debunked methods. They are battling to stay relevant, according to the latest episode of the “Sold a Story” podcast.

STUDENT VOICE: Breaking walls, building bridges: A call for restorative justice in school discipline

Moving away from suspensions can help students become more engaged members of their schools

What happens when suspensions get suspended?

The Los Angeles school district’s decade-old ban on suspensions for ‘willful defiance’ has benefited students — but also required a major investment in less punitive discipline methods

Is early childhood education ready for AI?

The field is just getting started with artificial intelligence, but experts say to be cautious about student privacy and potential bias


Students with disabilities often snared by subjective discipline rules

Experts say The Hechinger Report’s findings are a sign that federal legal protections are falling short

Listen Up 
This month, we and our partners at GBH bring you a new season of the College Uncovered podcast. In our first season, we helped you navigate the college admissions process. Now we’re back to guide you through the even more confusing territory of financial aid and some of the ways colleges make their prices seem much lower than they actually are. 

Buyer, Beware

College Uncovered, Season 2, Episode 1

Bait and Switch

College Uncovered, Season 2, Episode 2
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