If passed, the bill would reduce the workweek to 4 days without loss of pay.
John, imagine if every single weekend was a three-day weekend.
Sen. Bernie Sanders is trying to make this a reality. ⬇️

Sanders’ bill, titled the “Thirty-Two Hour Work Week Act,” would reduce the average working week from 40 to 32 hours over the next four years. The bill would also lower the maximum hours required for overtime compensation for nonexempt employees in addition to other provisions designed to help workers.
Moving to a 32-hour workweek is not a radical idea, John. If you agree, can you take a moment and show your support for a 32-hour week by adding your name today?
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Today, American workers are more than 400 percent more productive than they were in the 1940s.
As of 2019, nearly 40 percent of U.S. workers are putting in more than 50 hours a week. The average full-time worker is now working 42 hours a week and this estimate doesn’t factor in the millions of Americans who have to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet.
Meanwhile, as CEOs have continued to see their salaries increase exponentially, their workers are working longer hours than ever before for even lower wages.
But it doesn't have to be this way, John.
The Thirty-Two Hour Work Week Act is a bold initiative that will better the lives of Americans everywhere. Nearly a century ago, critics of the five-day workweek predicted doom as they worried a weekend would set the economy back. Instead, it helped launch what became a thriving middle class.
So would you support a 32-hour workweek, John? Add your name to become a citizen co-sponsor of the Thirty-Two Hour Work Week Act today.
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— LeftNet