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Our fight to protect our wild places, biodiversity, and community health never stops, and your support makes that possible. That’s why when we win major victories, we want you to share in them. |
Last month, Idaho’s gray wolves won protections from expanded trapping practices that aimed to kill 90% of the state’s gray wolf population. |
In December 2021, Earthjustice filed suit on behalf of 13 environmental organizations challenging Idaho’s wolf trapping practices under the Endangered Species Act citing the harm to another critical species: the grizzly bear. |
The court’s decision will stop trapping and snaring during grizzlies’ non-denning period (between March 1 and November 30) on both private and public lands in Idaho. The ruling will prevent recreational gray wolf trapping in four of Idaho’s seven regions: the Panhandle, Clearwater, Salmon, and Upper Snake. This will shorten the trapping season by nine months on private lands and between six weeks and four months on public lands in these areas. |
Earthjustice draws on the best environmental lawyers in the United States to fight cases just like this one. We use landmark legislation like the Endangered Species Act to protect species, ecosystems, resources, and communities from harm. Harm too often perpetrated for the sake of short-term profit over long-term sustainable solutions. |
When you support Earthjustice, you support this creative, persistent, and winning legal strategy. Lasting and positive environmental change must include the law, and we’re honored that you share in our vision and strategy, fighting alongside us with your time, energy, and resources. |
The fight to protect the grizzly bear and the gray wolf is not over. We will work to defend this victory from inevitable challenges, and with you by our side we’re ready to keep fighting this and countless other battles! |
Ben Scrimshaw
Senior Associate Attorney
Make a tax-deductible gift to help us take on the fights ahead! |

Earthjustice, 50 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111 |
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Photo Credit: Gray wolf. (Holly Kuchera / Shutterstock). |
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