Over the weekend, Donald Trump gathered a group of his billionaire buddies to raise money for his presidential campaign-slash-legal defense fund. He reportedly raised $50 million.
In front of this gathering of billionaires that included pandemic profiteers, payday lenders, oil barons, and slumlords, Trump promised to expand his $2 trillion tax giveaway, making each of these financial predators far richer.
These donors don’t just want more for themselves―they want less for the rest of us. The fundraiser was at the home of John Paulson, who became a billionaire exploiting subprime mortgages in the runup to the 2008 financial crisis, and who wants to cut Social Security. Jeff Yass, rumored to be Trump’s next Treasury Secretary, wants to go further and fully privatize our Social Security system.
These are the people who saw Trump on CNBC saying that “there is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting" Social Security and Medicar, and in exchange, they opened their wallets.
We can beat Trump’s army of billionaire bullies―but only if we stand together. Social Security is the key. Can you rush a donation to Social Security Works to fund our campaign to make sure every voter knows that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to cut Social Security and Medicare?
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works