For many around the globe, climate change is not just warmer temperatures — it is a devastating force that is upending their way of life.
It reduces access to safe water for drinking, bathing, and everyday household tasks. It weakens agricultural productivity, creating more hunger. It makes communities more susceptible to natural disasters like floods, wildfires, and extreme heat waves.
Sign our pledge to show support for communities facing severe effects of climate change and help create more climate-resilient communities around the world.
Mercy Corps is working at the local level in 40+ countries to increase access to clean water, create sustainable agricultural solutions, and assist families in recovering from catastrophic natural disasters.
Our global humanitarian response has helped us deliver meaningful change in the lives of millions of people worldwide.
Here are just a few examples:
In northeastern Nigeria, residents of Vinikang had no choice but to travel far away to fetch water and use a hand-pushed cart to bring it all the way back home. Mercy Corps collaborated with local community leaders to build a 50,000-liter water facility. Now, more than 90 households have direct access to clean water. |
In Nepal, a rural farming community faced extreme weather patterns that wiped out their crops and destroyed their homes. Mercy Corps partnered with the community to build gabion walls and bamboo embankments to prevent floods and landslides, as well as spring-fed water tanks and pipes to decrease their reliance on seasonal rainfalls. |
In southern Pakistan, heavy monsoon rainfall wreaked havoc in many communities, affecting more than 33 million people, killing over 1,700 people, and leaving hundreds of thousands without a home. Mercy Corps worked with the local government to provide healthcare, deliver essential supplies, ease access to clean water, and prop up temporary shelters. |
Climate change affects communities around the world in so many different ways. But often, it is people who have contributed the least to warming the globe that are affected the most.
Your continuous commitment to our work is critical to helping our teams and partners be more effective in fostering stronger economies, healthier families, and stable livelihoods around the world.
Sign our pledge today to support communities on the front lines of climate change.
The Mercy Corps team