Welcome to Tuesday, April 9th, suns and moons...

The Biden administration revealed a new plan to erase student debt for millions of Americans.

If the new plan is passed, over 30 million borrowers could have all or some of their debt forgiven. 

Biden's plan amends an earlier version that the Supreme Court rejected in June of last year. It offers relief to specific groups of borrowers, including those who have carried debt for over 20 years, those facing economic hardship, those already eligible for loan forgiveness or discharge programs but haven't applied, and those who owe more money than they did at the start of their repayment.

How do you feel about Biden's new plan?

It's Earth Month, How Can You Give Back to the Planet?


April is Earth Month, a time to celebrate our planet and take action to protect life on it.

Last year, scientists delivered a "final warning" on the climate crisis: act now, or it will be too late. As greenhouse gas emissions rise and push the world to the brink of irreversible destruction, scientists and activists worldwide are desperately urging leaders to take action. 

How can you join the cause?

With Gravvy's Climate Action Spread, you can donate to reputable climate groups, such as the Sierra Club, Earthjustice, Conservation International Foundation, Ocean Conservancy, Union of Concerned Scientists, and the NRDC, to support their efforts in mitigating climate change. Your donation will contribute to critical lifesaving—and world-saving—work. 

Climate Action

BILL: Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act of 2023 - S.3205

This bill directs federal agencies to use the Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). If passed, it would provide guidelines for agencies to incorporate AI into their workflow while managing risks, including standards and best practices for the use of AI. 

Tell your reps to support or oppose the bill.

And, in the End...

It's National Library Worker Day, recognizing the valuable contributions that librarians and library staff make to society. Will you thank a library worker today?

-Jamie Epstein
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