You know things are bad for Jordan when the spies openly refute his nonsense. View in browser 


Remember in late 2023 when House Republicans were barreling toward an impeachment of President Biden, and Jim Jordan looked like a shoe-in to become the next Speaker of the House?

What stopped this from happening was a strong national backlash, a grassroots uprising that effectively pushed back on the right wing’s propaganda—and won.

There was never any evidence backing a case for impeaching Joe Biden. And now the GOP’s baseless impeachment inquiry is on life support, just waiting to be quietly sent to the ash heap of history. The CIA has even entered the debate, after having been accused (without evidence, of course) of interfering with the GOP’s impeachment inquiry. Top CIA officials sent a letter to Jim Jordan and James Comer refuting their allegations.

The tide is turning, and Jordan is being exposed for attempting t perpetrate a fraud against all of us, damaging our democracy, and hurting America. Tamie is doing the work in her district to get the word out and build the coalition to defeat Jordan this year, and it is working: more and more people, Republican and Democrat, are vowing to NEVER vote for Jordan again and to support Tamie.

With supporters like you pitching in to help Tamie organize and stand strong against Jim Jordan this year, we will have another massive victory: defeating Jordan and delivering a blow to the MAGA machine that abuses power to elevate Trump and destroy democracy.

Will you stand with Tamie and help her build a firewall of good people who will help defeat Jim Jordan in November? A contribution of $25 or more today will keep our work going strong during this crucial time:

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Thank you for your support,

-Amy Nachtrab
Campaign Coordinator, Tamie Wilson for US

Tamie Wilson
Democratic Nominee
Ohio's 4th Congressional District

Mail checks to:
Tamie Wilson for US

273 Saratoga St, Delaware, Ohio, 43015

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