Minnesotans count on the United States Postal Service to deliver for them every day.

But recently, it hasn’t, john, and I’m calling on Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to make sure the Postal Service has the resources to deliver mail. We must give postal workers the pay, benefits, and hours they deserve.

If you’re with me, add your name to my petition today.


From delayed mail service to overworked mail carriers in Minnesota, I am deeply concerned about the state of the USPS under Louis DeJoy — and I’m calling on him to answer for these concerns.

I recently wrote an op-ed about the Postal Service. My whole life, my mom counted on the post office to deliver her hometown’s newspaper from Indiana. No matter where she lived in the US, she received that paper — the USPS delivered.

Nowadays, too many Minnesotans aren’t receiving the same quality service they deserve. Rural communities are especially affected by delayed mail.

And postal workers are bearing a massive burden — long hours, ever-increasing package deliveries, and so much more. They deserve better, too.

I’m working hard in the Senate to get to the bottom of this worsening service. I’ve called for audits of the USPS’ Minnesota-North Dakota District, and I’m working with Senator Klobuchar to pass the Postal Delivery Accountability Act.

If you support my efforts to improve the USPS — for its employees and for the millions of Americans who count on its services — add your name to my petition today.


Thank you for raising your voice. The USPS is an American institution, and it needs to be protected.

— Tina