Leaders in D.C. are taking notice of your calls for action.

Friend — I have incredible news to share: in what may be their biggest action yet to slash climate pollution, the Biden-Harris administration has just finalized protections against tailpipe pollution from gas-guzzling cars, trucks, and buses. 

Over the past few weeks, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced new vehicle emissions standards that will cut greenhouse gas emissions to help address the climate crisis, improve air quality in communities across the country, and speed up the transition to cleaner vehicles.

Taken together, these improved protections will slash billions of tons of climate pollution from the transportation sector and protect the health of families across the country — particularly those living in communities near busy roads and highways.

These incredible victories don’t just happen, Friend. Our movement collectively made our voices heard, and the federal government is now heeding our calls to action. LCV members like you submitted more than 100,000 comments to the EPA to demand stronger tailpipe emissions standards.

This is an incredible victory for our climate and for communities reeling from exposure to heavy tailpipe emissions, but we aren’t done just yet. Now we need to show the White House and Congress that we’re still paying attention and appreciate their strong actions. 

Please write to President Biden today to thank him for taking action to combat tailpipe pollution, and tell your members of Congress that you support the updated standards. It only takes a moment to add your name and make your voice heard >>

Our calls to action overcame fierce opposition from Big Oil execs and extreme MAGA Republicans, proving — once again — just how powerful our movement can be when we join together to demand a better future for people and our planet. 

Our efforts are getting results. Combined with the transformative climate and clean energy investments that our movement helped win in 2021 and 2022, these latest steps from the Biden-Harris administration will further accelerate the transition to cleaner vehicles and reduce emissions in the transportation sector, currently the leading source of climate pollution in the United States. 

I hope you’ll take a moment to let your leaders know you’re paying attention. Sign your name today to thank President Biden and his administration for taking strong action to limit tailpipe pollution, and let your members of Congress know that you support these protections  >>

Thanks for standing with us. You are making a real difference for people and our planet. 


Matthew Davis
Vice President of Federal Policy
League of Conservation Voters
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