We are just a little over 200 days away from the November election and our campaign is in full swing. Here’s an update from a week full of conservative wins!

Local Election Wins

These are some highlights of our biggest-wins in the Spring Election last Tuesday:

  1. The City of Kenosha elected a pro-law enforcement Mayor. Over the past 6 years Kenosha has trended to the right. This is a testament to the hard work of our great volunteers getting the message out.

  2. We elected conservative prosecutors to the Circuit Court in Walworth, Racine, and Kenosha County. These judges will keep our communities safe. Our communities will be stronger and more secure because of their work.

  3. Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly approved Constitutional Amendment Questions 1 and 2. By approving these amendments, we’ve banned private money and political operatives from influencing future elections in Wisconsin.

My Weekend in Burlington

After Tuesday’s, elections I met with Burlington Mayor-elect, Jon Schultz. It was a great opportunity to discuss how we can work together to address the issues impacting Burlington.

I also stopped by the Burlington Mason Lodge for their Pancake Breakfast. The junior chefs did a fantastic job!

Seeking Nomination Signature Volunteers

On April 15, my team and I will begin collecting nomination signatures so I can appear on the ballot this November.

If you were ever curious how candidates get on the ballot, here are the signature requirements for public office here in Wisconsin:

Our team will need to collet 1,000 signatures from residents of Wisconsin’s First Congressional District between April 15 and June 1 to ensure I appear on the ballot this November.

We’re always looking for more help. If you’re willing to help me get on the ballot, click the link below!

Help Me Collect Nomination Signatures

On Wisconsin,

Bryan Steil