Can you help me reach even more Londoners?

Hello John,


Today we launched our manifesto for the Mayor of London elections. Our Green plan for a fairer and more sustainable London. I’m so excited by the ideas in this document.

  • Real climate action, to meet our 2030 commitments

  • 10 new public parks for London

  • Rent controls to take on the housing crisis

  • Buy back lost council homes

  • Freeze bus fares

  • More public toilets

  • Free school meals for secondary students

  • Being on the side of workers with an increased London Living Wage. 


It’s the plan London needs. Now, can you help me reach Londoners? Via social media and leaflets - your contributions can make the difference. 

The polls say we’re on course to deliver a record breaking result - again! We were so close last time to electing FOUR London Assembly Members. With a final push and your generosity we can do it.


We can break up the tired duopoly of politics that has let down our city, our country and our climate for so long. We can show that when the voting system is fair - people are rushing to back the Greens!


We just need your donations. And thank you to everyone who has already contributed!


Many thanks,

Zoë Garbett

Green Candidate for Mayor of London


Promoted by Danny Keeling on behalf of London Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ .