I’m not interested in lying to you, friend; I’m not going to tell you that your $10 will save democracy, protect women’s rights, or fix our gun violence epidemic.
But I will, with 100% sincerity, tell you that your donation makes a difference.
To paraphrase Arlo Guthrie, if only one person does it, they call you crazy. If three people do it, they might call us an organization. If 50 people do it every day, well, now we’ve got a movement.
If everyone reading this email chipped in $10, we’d be considerably closer to winning this race, returning the House to Democratic control, and accelerating our progress on climate, gun violence, reproductive rights, democracy, and more.
If you’ve got $10 to spare, will you pitch in today? You’d be taking a big step in the right direction.
Thanks, friend,
Sean Casten