Dear friend,
I’ve seen too many horrors in more than 30 years of work to protect animals. Too many malicious people running around in society who hurt animals for no good reason. Too much greed, callousness, and remorselessness. But seldom have I felt so outraged after learning about what Cody Roberts did to an animal just a few weeks ago.
The Cowboy State Journal of Wyoming received a news tip days ago about Roberts, of Daniel, Wyo., intentionally running over a wolf with his snowmobile and grievously wounding the poor creature. That happened, according to reports, on February 29.
That conduct alone shocks the conscience, signaling a sort of pathology. But Roberts then taped the animal’s mouth shut, took the animal into his possession, tormented the wolf, and then paraded the injured animal around a local bar before finally taking him or her out behind the facility to kill the creature, according to news sources.
Yesterday, the same newspaper published a leaked photo of Roberts at home with the wolf, before taking him to the bar, with red tape wound tightly around the animal’s snout. He had disabled the animal from mounting a defense. With the wounded, disempowered animal looking at the floor with a beaten-down expression, Roberts showed off an unhinged smile.
The look on Cody Roberts’ face, as he poses with an animal he’s tortured, is the kind you might see on someone who is mentally ill not on someone who should be given license to run down animals on his snowmobile or in his truck or car.
He’s a threat to animals. We see him, in a separate photo circulating on the internet, standing atop a slain lion. And it’s hardly a stretch to think he’s a menace to people. Violence and malice of this purity cannot be limited to a single species.
Wyoming Allows a Free-for-All in Killing Wolves
I was never crazy about the idea of reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone National Park. Believe me, they belong in those rugged ecosystems, with the deer, elk, moose, bison, and beavers. I knew, once introduced, they’d do a remarkable job of delivering ecosystem services. But I worried about ignorant people who would trap, shoot, and otherwise harm them based on an irrational, unfounded hatred.
Yet what Cody Roberts did boggles the imagination. Men like him view the state’s absence of any rules for killing wolves as a license for cruelty.
Roberts must have concluded that there was some kind of social consensus in his community for torturing wolves for him to put his cruelty on public display at a bar in town.
Fortunately, there was at least one person who had the courage to expose this cruelty. I send my thanks to that person for exposing this human menace.
Now the question is, will state and federal authorities act and mete out appropriate penalties to address this inhuman behavior? On Friday, once we learned of the incident, we wrote to the Sublette County Sheriff and the County Attorney for that jurisdiction and asked them to collaborate in prosecuting Roberts for animal cruelty.
If this doesn’t meet the definition of cruelty to animals, I don’t know what does.

Cody Roberts’ relative Jeanne Ivie-Roberts joins in on the celebration of cruelty to animals. Jeanne’s shown here re-enacting the agony Roberts delivered to the wolf
Endangered Species Act Protections for Wolves Should be Restored in Northern Rockies
With the Roberts’ story stirring us to act, Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy will soon be filing a legal challenge to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to deny our petition to restore federal protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies.
Wyoming places no limits on killing wolves in 85 percent of the state, and state lawmakers unconscionably rejected an effort to stop the killing of wolves by running them down with snowmobiles. You can kill wolves without license or limit in Wyoming.
Neighboring Idaho also has a year-round killing season, also with no limits. The state not only allows barbaric steel-jawed leghold traps and wire snares, but also the use of dogs to attack wolves. That is nothing but an animal fighting set-up.
What kind of evidence does the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service need to determine that the states are not acting to safeguard these populations from a rapid reduction in numbers? What more could the states do to show their contempt for these animals than by allowing unfettered exploitation by any means?
And if Wyoming determines it cannot bring cruelty charges against this man under current laws, what does that tell us about the utter lack of any guardrails when it comes to the most minimal limits on protecting these animals from depraved people?
I know you don’t want us to let this case go. That’s why I hope you’ll donate generously to allow us to press the case, with all the know-how we can muster.
To keep up the pressure, I ask you to sign our on-line petition. I hope you’ll forward it to friends to put on our own display—a display of collective outrage. We need Americans to speak up not only in every corner of Wyoming, but in every part of the nation.
If you support our work, please consider making a contribution to Animal Wellness Action so we can fight back against this horrific cruelty.