Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent
Readings of the Day
In today's first reading today we meet Jeremiah, who trusted God. He sang praise to God while being persecuted, knew that God was with him, and trusted him. At Catholic Charities we encounter many problems of the world; there are days when we feel stones are being thrown at us as we try to help others. Programs are being defunded, sickness is spreading, and the amount of need is greater than ever before. If we take the example of Jeremiah and put our trust in God, knowing that he will take the burdens of the world and use us to bring hope, love and care for those in need, we will be able to handle all the stones the world throws at us.
This weekend, on Palm Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Next week we journey through the Pascal Mystery. Today’s Gospel tells us about the many people who followed Jesus and believed he was the Messiah. As believers we look forward to Holy Week, inspired by the sacrifices Jesus made for us for the forgiveness of our sins. This brings us hope and happiness and drives us to come to work each day and do the works of mercy. We bring hope to the poor, shelter for the homeless, love to the adopted, care for the sick, and most of all we bring the mercy of Christ to those we serve each day. As we enter Holy Week, let us remember to know and love Jesus as he has gotten to know and love us.
Alice Nolan is Manager of Mission Engagement at Catholic Charities of Central Florida. She enjoys doing the Rosary each night with her husband and three children, who inspire her to delve deeper into her Catholic faith.