In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
The charity watchdog is investigating after a faith healer allegedly offered £91 "plague protection kits" for sale to protect people from the coronavirus
The charities regulator has launched an urgent probe into a south London church over its sale of an oil which claimed it would protect from coronavirus.
A council has rejected calls to increase the maximum number of people allowed at a funeral from six to 20, after a former cabinet member wrote to the leader
requesting the change for the Muslim community.
The number of coronavirus-related fatalities has risen to 69 among UK Jews, as of Wednesday, up from 55 the previous day, according to data collated by the
Board of Deputies of British Jews.
Australian cardinal George Pell, the most senior Catholic cleric convicted of child sexual abuse charges, will learn the fate of his final appeal to the
country's High Court on 7 April.
A DUP councillor has issued an apology after claiming the coronavirus pandemic is God's judgement for abortion reforms and legalising same-sex marriage in
Northern Ireland.
A British-born Islamist militant facing execution for the 2002 kidnapping and murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl may walk free after a
court in Pakistan commuted his sentence, and acquitted three co-accused.
Indian authorities are trying to track down almost 8,000 people who attended an event, which has also given rise to an anti-Muslim sentiment in public
Worshippers flocked to hear a Louisiana pastor who is facing charges for holding services despite a ban on gatherings amid the coronavirus pandemic on
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