April 8 2024
‘AVOID FALSE BALANCE’: AP Style Guide Aims to Silence Dissent From Climate Alarmist Narrative
By Tyler O'Neil

The Associated Press style guide tries to silence dissent from climate alarmism, creating a rather hostile climate for actual journalism, let alone good science.
Left-Wing Election Group Still Rooted in These Areas With ‘Zuckerbuck’ Bans
By Fred Lucas

Wisconsin becomes the 28th state to ban private dollars to run elections, but the group that doled out “Zuckerbucks” in 2020 maintains a foothold in some of those states.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘NextGen Marxism’s’ Infiltration Into American Life
By Brian Gottstein, Mike Gonzalez, Katharine Gorka

What has happened to America? How did it become a land where keeping your job could depend on affirming the lie that our society is systemically racist?
Fighting the Teachers Unions in the Battle for School Choice
By Noah Slayter

“Listen, we’re going to have school choice. We’re going to bring back parents’ rights,” the superintendent of Oklahoma’s public schools tells Heritage President Kevin Roberts.
Will the ‘Invisible Hand’ Finally Stop Doctors From Putting Kids on Experimental Gender Drugs?
By Tyler O'Neil

“If the Hippocratic oath, if basic ninth grade biology, if none of that will convince doctors that this is a bad idea,” maybe “economic self-interest” will, a lawyer with Alliance Defending Freedom says.
The Doctor Will See You … Eventually: Confronting Dire Diagnosis of America’s Physician Shortages
By Caleb Keng

The most recent numbers from the Association of American Medical Colleges raise alarming concerns about the future of health care in the United States.
‘Inclusive’ Sex Education Puts Kids at Risk
By Tony Kinnett

As suicide rates and depression grip America’s youth, the Biden administration and public school districts usurp science education with “transgender and gender-nonconforming” curriculum.
ICYMI: IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES?: Public Opinion Shifts on Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Hamas Wars
By Victor Davis Hanson

When Russia invaded Ukraine, Americans overwhelmingly supported Ukraine—as they did with Israel after Oct. 7. Now, everything is bifurcating.

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