The biggest destroyer of Amazon is about to take over the world


URGENT: JBS, the world's worst destroyer of Amazon rainforest is about to access billions in new investment from Wall Street 

We have to stop it NOW. Sign the petition to stop JBS before it’s too late.

 Sign the petition 


The world’s worst destroyer of Amazon rainforest, meat producer JBS, is about to get bankrolled to the tune of billions to continue destroying our planet and its precious forests.

JBS is one of the worst companies in the world. Deforestation, slavery, land theft, corruption, you name it, JBS did it!

If JBS gets access to Wall Street’s unlimited credit lines, we’re doomed -- out planet can't afford that. Take action now:

Sign the petition to stop JBS in its tracks.

JBS is in trouble and it knows it, it has delayed its Initial Public Offering and is struggling to greenwash its rotten image by lying. It is underreporting on its climate risks and liabilities, pretending its emissions are reducing when they’re in fact skyrocketing. This greedy rainforest wrecker would do anything to stuff its pockets with Wall Street’s money.

JBS on Wall Street means more deforestation, more destruction, more land theft, more abuse, and more climate chaos. All of that for the sake of profit. The worst part? The corrupt Batista brothers and their family would get an 85% control stake in the company – no one would be able to stop them!

Let’s put an end to this nonsense before it’s too late:

Tell the SEC: Cancel JBS’ IPO now!

We’ve won against JBS before – like when we got Quebec's public pension fund manager to stop investing in JBS after we exposed its role in destroying the Amazon. This time, we can block JBS’ most ambitious move ever and protect the Amazon…but we all need to come together, and fast.

 Sign the petition 

Thanks for all that you do,
Fatah and the team at Ekō

More information:




Ekō is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.

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