Hi Friend,
Look, I know we've been giving Finance Minister Nicola
Willis a hard time in recent months for the various tax u-turns and
backdowns, but, actually, right now I think we need to swing in behind
Here at the Taxpayers' Union, we'll stick up
for taxpayers no matter who is in charge, but reading the media over
the last few weeks, it's like Wellington lives in a parallel
The media and so-called 'pundits'
are falling over themselves to call on Ms Willis to cancel her long-signalled
tax relief.
In fact, the only exception I've seen to the
chorus of howls to cancel tax relief was none other than my colleague
Callum! He
had a cracker op-ed in Stuff's The Post last week.

politics, the squeaky wheel gets the oil – and unless we make a song
and dance too, there is a real risk Nicola Willis takes the 'easy
road' and kicks tax relief into the long grass.
That would mean the Government wouldn't need to go as
hard or fast in tackling wasteful spending – that's exactly
why Wellington's self-interested bureaucracy are trying to sink Ms
Willis' plan.
why I'm emailing to ask you to join us in telling Nicola Willis to
hold firm and deliver tax relief as part of May's
Tax thresholds haven't changed despite 14 years
of inflation pushing Kiwis into higher tax brackets ⬆️
Friend, you don't need me to tell you that Grant Robertson's
money-printing inflation has hit Kiwi families hard. That hasn't just
meant our dollar buys less, but it has also pushed workers into higher
tax brackets.
Friend, these tax
hikes by stealth over the last 14 years now see someone on minimum
wage working 40 hours/week in the third income tax
That's a 30%
marginal rate for someone on the minimum wage. No
wonder New Zealand is in recession!
Cutting taxes by adjusting thresholds doesn't just make economic
sense, it is the morally
right thing to do.
As covered in the recent Taxpayer Update, the Budget
Policy Statement showed that public spending has risen by 84% since
2017. But what did New Zealanders get from all this extra spending?
Better public services or infrastructure? If only.
But the media have
gone into overdrive with a narrative that tax relief would now be
"irresponsible" now that we are back in
recession. Others argue that letting households keep
more of their own money would be "inflationary".
Don't fall for it
– inflation has been driven by Wellington's over-spending,
not yours! Why should you miss out because bureaucrats
are protecting their cushy jobs?
the message we need Nicola Willis to both hear and repeat.
government spending should be slashed so that the tax burden on those
who are struggling to make ends meet can be reduced
It should be Wellington cutting back, not all put on you.
Public spending up by 84% since 2017
Labour's proxies argue that reducing spending is “austerity”
whenever cost-cutting is raised! You only need to take a look at the
numbers to see that is nonsense on stilts. There are ample opportunities for cost savings that don’t
affect frontline services.

Nicola Willis needs to know that you're on her
Nicola Willis is taking a hammering in the media and it just isn’t
a fair reflection of voters' priorities. New Zealand voted for the
Coalition Government with tax relief at the forefront of National’s
promises. Nicola Willis is simply delivering on that promise.
Willis and Christopher Luxon need to hear that New Zealanders meant
what they said when they voted for change at the election.
I’ve spoken to the
Finance Minister and reassured her that the Taxpayers’ Union
is well and truly behind her tax relief policy. But hearing it
directly from , would mean a lot more.
Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’