


For those of you who don’t know me personally, I will share that I need very little sleep and I enjoy consuming huge amounts of xxxxxxrmation from all perspectives – listening to podcasts and news (from very alternative to mainstream), press conferences and legislative hearings, reading books, blogs, research journals, science textbooks, etc.  I do this to better understand all sides of the issues I, and A Voice for Choice Advocacy, are passionate about.  I wanted to share my thoughts and a few things I have read/listened to in the past few days that resonated with respect to our Freedoms and where we go from here.


A Voice for Choice Advocacy hopes you are staying healthy and positive during this unprecedented time.  We have seen our individual freedoms, liberties and our ability to make personal xxxxxxrmed decisions removed in the past weeks.  Those who follow A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s work know this is something we are passionate about.  These were not taken overnight.  State and federal laws have been systematically been passed that remove all rights in an emergency.  James Corbett does a great job describing this in his podcast “Medical Martial Law”.  The current medical martial law in place is not enforced by the police or military - instead is enforced by our neighbors and social pressure.  People are made to feel warm and fuzzy about doing their part to stop this pandemic with no individual ability to make an xxxxxxrmed choice.  Our rights may be returned once this pandemic is over, but likely not to the extent prior.  The ability to flip the emergency switch will be much easier, and likely will be used more frequently.  We have to continue to stand up for what we believe in.  We have to continue to make our voices heard, both in the current sandbox (the Federal and state legislature), as well as in an alternative sandbox. 


I wanted to share Diane Miller and the National Health Freedom Coalition’s message with respect to Health Freedom and Freedoms in general, which sums this up well.  Here’s a couple of excerpts:

“Studying and working with the dynamics of freedom in the United States over the years has brought me to the conclusion that freedom is not just something to be “had”.   Rather, freedom is an active ongoing conversation requiring a constant discussion about life issues in the context of oneself and others and in the context of one’s own community and environment.  Freedom is an energy all of its own.  It is a living conversation.  A conversation that continually keeps us taking in new xxxxxxrmation from each other and making continual assessments, as we search for ways to thrive and live in harmony.”

“In this time of government and media sending messages that can promote fear, let’s keep breathing, let’s keep conversing, let’s keep bringing in new xxxxxxrmation from the people’s voices, let’s be open to new truths coming forward, to shaking the shackles of fear, to working to protect individual freedoms in the face of the domination of governments grappling with crisis and poised to limit individual freedoms.”


We don’t have control of the situation at large, but we do have influence in our own homes, with our families, and in our community.  As Charles Eisenstein says in this essay (long, but in my opinion, a must read), we are at place of reset, a crossroads.  We have a choice where we put our own efforts in the future – do we continue the same path or change it?  Here’s an excerpt:

“For a long time we, as a collective, have stood helpless in the face of an ever-sickening society. Whether it is declining health, decaying infrastructure, depression, suicide, addiction, ecological degradation, or concentration of wealth, the symptoms of civilizational malaise in the developed world are plain to see, but we have been stuck in the systems and patterns that cause them. Now, Covid has gifted us a reset.

A million forking paths lie before us. Universal basic income could mean an end to economic insecurity and the flowering of creativity as millions are freed from the work that Covid has shown us is less necessary than we thought. Or it could mean, with the decimation of small businesses, dependency on the state for a stipend that comes with strict conditions. The crisis could usher in totalitarianism or solidarity; medical martial law or a holistic renaissance; greater fear of the microbial world, or greater resiliency in participation in it; permanent norms of social distancing, or a renewed desire to come together.”


We have to help others understand that this new normal is not normal – even if they believe that their current actions are for the greater good, we have to help them understand our liberties and our ability to make an xxxxxxrmed choice have been taken away, and that is at great consequence to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Without a fully tested pharmaceutical cure or a vaccine, we can also share xxxxxxrmation on the importance of keeping toxins low and the immune system strong.


Be positive, stay safe, love those around you and keep talking.



If you found this xxxxxxrmation helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.


Christina Hildebrand


A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.

408 835 9353



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