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Subject CCUSA Lenten Reflection - April 1
Date April 1, 2020 9:03 AM
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Catholic Charities USA

Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Readings of the Day
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"Who is the God who can deliver you out of my hands?" asks
King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon.  The three men stand firm in
their trust of the one true God who will save them. Even if God allows
them to die - they will remain true to themselves, their integrity,
their beliefs and their God, no matter the consequences. 

In the end, God protects them and they are left unhurt by the fires of
the white-hot furnace. They are honored by the king not only for their
loyalty to God, but also for their witness to faith: "Blessed be the
God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who sent his angel to deliver
the servants who trusted in him."

The Book of Daniel was written during a time of distress: the Jews had
been taken away to Babylon, their life circumstances were changed and
they were in a new place, a new state of being. It was an unfamiliar
place, and life as they know it had been altered. Yet when challenged,
they remain true to themselves, true to their beliefs, true to their
integrity, and true to their God. 

I am always humbled by the examples of stalwart faithfulness I witness
around me:

* In the clients we serve, who come to our doors having endured
violence, aggression, isolation and shame. They bear almost
nothing except their faith, which gives them the strength to
move forward and drives them to generously share their most
limited physical resources of space, food, and money;
* In those serving on the front lines of this pandemic, putting
their own needs last and often enduring physical distance from
loved ones as they seek to protect them while being of service
to those infected by the virus;
* In the neighbors and strangers selflessly sharing those
hard-to-find items, shopping for others and finding ways to be
together in spirit, not allowing physical distance to become
synonymous with isolation; 
* In our churches, where religious and laity continue to provide
spiritual and material support to those most in need, finding
creative and innovative ways to provide comfort, solace and
strength in these uncertain times. 

When my failure to fully trust God leaves me filled with anxiety, fear
or unease, I turn to these and countless other reminders of
God's presence within and among us, remembering He never
abandons us.   


Jennifer Dyer has worked in the Catholic Charities network for over
fifteen years, serving in the Dioceses of Camden, NJ and Gary, IN. She
is currently leading the CCUSA Agency Capacity Initiative. 



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