From Mary L. Trump <>
Subject we’re on the verge of losing both Ohio and the Senate
Date April 7, 2024 4:01 PM
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John, we knew re-electing Sherrod Brown in Ohio and defending our razor-thin Senate majority would be tough, but we just got some more bad news:

NBC4i: U.S. Senate poll in Ohio: Sherrod Brown’s edge over Republican challengers slips

Keep the Senate Blue! [[link removed]]

The Senate math is very clear on one thing, John:

There isn’t a world in which Sherrod Brown loses and Democrats maintain the Senate.

The only way to defend our narrow majority and control SCOTUS nominations, protect abortion, and defend democracy is by doing whatever it takes to keep this U.S. Senate seat in Ohio blue.

Will you please contribute $25 — or whatever fits your budget today — toward our Defend the Senate Fund to re-elect Democratic senators in key battleground states like Sherrod Brown?

Chip in $25 [[link removed]]

Other Amount [[link removed]]

Let’s get to work, John.

—Dr. Mary L. Trump

Paid for by Democracy Defense Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democracy Defense Fund
15808 Hesperian Blvd
PO Box 944
San Lorenzo, CA 94580
United States

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