On this, It’s Supernatural! the hour-long special, Sid Roth’s guest, Freddy Ramirez, shares the riveting account of his one-hour visitation with Jesus during which he was given the roadmap to how EVERY believer can have deeper intimacy with the Messiah! Sid Roth’s second guest, Ramin Parsa, is a former Iranian Muslim who became a RADICAL follower of Jesus! When Ramin was deported to America, God gave him a strong warning that every believer must heed! Hear it all on Newsmax-Sunday, April 7th at 9 pm ET!
Then set a reminder for the first Sunday of every month to watch It’s Supernatural! Your guide to ALL things that ARE POSSIBLE with GOD!
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God Has a Planned Pathway to Your Freedom!
Freddy Ramirez was just a child when he saw the terrifying evil of Haitian voodoo after being cursed by a family member! That curse followed him to the United States where he witnessed dark shadows of figures in his room and was attacked with sleep paralysis. Not able to cry out, all he could do was whisper the name of Jesus, and suddenly…everything stopped! Jesus rescued him and now Freddy wants you to walk in the authority Jesus gives so that you, too, can be free from EVERY curse spoken against you and put a STOP to evil harassment!

Major Miracles Are Leading Multitudes in the Middle East… to Jesus!
Ramin Parsa witnessed the murder of 20,000 of his people under the oppressive Sharia Law in Iran. Ramin, once a devout Muslim, will share with you his dramatic encounter with JESUS that caused him to forsake what he had been taught his entire life! Hear his chilling account of living under the rigid Islamic Sharia Law in Iran. Find out what led him to discover the heartbreaking TRUTH about Islam…and flee far from it! Hear how God is using Ramin and his Jewish wife to share the Gospel across the Middle East resulting in many souls finding true peace!
Watch It’s Supernatural! On Newsmax-Sunday, April 7th at 9 pm ET for the edge-of-your-seat details!