This year’s Keystone Courage Honorees each deploy their unique expertise and position to champion the end of this public health crisis.Together with our allies, we will celebrate their resolve and our shared victories while looking toward a safer, brighter future.
Lt. Gov. Austin Davis is a committed leader in the gun violence prevention movement. He will share his personal story as well as the exciting progress to make Pennsylvania a safer place.
Sheriff Sean Kilkenny is spearheading the new firearm dealer inspection program in Montgomery County. This important initiative to curb the spread of crime guns is a model to other counties in the Commonwealth.
Deadly by Design Storytellers bravely shared their personal stories of loss,[2] connecting the dots between preventable tragedies and the lax gun laws that allowed them to happen.
Please join us for this ceremony to celebrate our Keystone Courage Honorees. Mark your calendars and buy your tickets now. It’ll be an evening to remember.
Adam Garber
Executive Director
CeaseFirePA Action
P.S. If you or your organization would like to sponsor this important event, check out our sponsorship opportunities.