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Christian Century Friend,
Our partners at Creation Justice Ministries are pleased to introduce this year's Earth Day Sunday resource: Plastic Jesus: Real Faith in a Synthetic World.
This resource is designed to help congregations think more deeply about the ways that plastics impact our lives and God's creation. It is also intended to equip people of faith to take actions to address this crisis in faithful and practical ways.
Download this resource to find stories of individuals and communities making a positive impact, sermon starters to spark meaningful discussions in your church, worship resources to unite in prayer and reflection, and actionable steps to address the plastic crisis in your life, community, and our world.
"If the Bible doesn’t speak of plastic, how should we people of faith do so?
How do we address plastic’s impact on our health and the health of the living things around us from a theological perspective? While plastic itself isn’t spoken of, the human conditions that have led to our current plastic..."
Sermon Starters
"Plastic, in both its production and its disposal, disrupts the pastoral image that the psalmist invokes. Still water and green pastures are replaced with toxic chemicals..."
"When thinking of the Arctic, many cling to an image of pristine white tundra. This is far from reality. Research is confirming that the Arctic contains some of the most highly contaminated animals and people in the world..."
Includes the following type of action suggestions:
Creation Justice Ministries educates, equips and mobilizes Christian individuals, congregations, denominations, and communions to protect, restore and rightly share God's creation.