The Obama and Biden Administrations' Betrayal of America's Closest Ally in the Middle East: Israel
by Majid Rafizadeh • April 6, 2024 at 5:00 am
What onlookers see, including terrorists and America's enemies and adversaries – when they also factor in the open US southern border across which millions of illegal immigrants have recently poured, including 46,000 Chinese, many of whom are military-aged men possibly "building an army from within" – is that the Biden administration is perfectly content to welcome and support terrorists.
The White House actions have bolstered America's adversaries and pretty much extinguished America's credibility as an ally. The universal "optics" are that if America will throw its closest ally, Israel, under the bus, what chance has anyone else got?
Many people in Israel call to "Bring the Hostages Home." The request is wrong, because it is addressed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been doing his best to do free the hostages, while preventing Hamas ever to be able to strike Israel again – and standing up to US pressure, as he did during the fraudulent Iran nuclear deal. But the hostages are not his to bring home. The cry should be: "Release the Hostages" -- addressed, as well as calls for a ceasefire -- to the people who are holding them: Hamas, Qatar and Iran.
The US administration would clearly like to replace Netanyahu with new US-handpicked prime minister who would do whatever they tell him to, and appears to have launched a plan to do just that, using Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as its mouthpiece. The Israelis must not fall for it. If they want to preserve Israel, preserve Netanyahu.
The Palestinian state, even if it were officially "demilitarized," would, of course, be free to enter into military alliances with any countries it wished -- perhaps Russia, China, Iran, North Korea?
Israel's new US puppet prime minister would presumably be happy to have Qatar – a country that has supported virtually every Islamic terrorist group -- including Hamas, ISIS, Hizballah, the Taliban, the al Nusra Front and Al Shabaab -- "operate" the Gaza pier now being built to bring "humanitarian aid" and Heaven knows what else into Gaza. Above all, of course, the new puppet would presumably agree to Iran being armed to the teeth with nuclear bombs.
The Biden administration would do far better, especially for November 5, instead of aligning itself with the terrorist groups and the countries that support them -- such as Hamas, Qatar and Iran -- to align itself with those in the Free World, fighting for freedom, human rights and civilization.

The Biden administration persists in granting victories to Hamas and its primary supporters, Qatar and Iran, and in a way that only strengthens their positions in support of terrorism.
On March 25, the Biden administration declined to exercise its veto power at the United Nations Security Council, effectively betraying Israel and aligning itself with Hamas. This decision was perceived by Israel's enemies in Iran, Qatar, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Iraq as the United States finally having abandoned Israel. The American abstention looked as if the US had adopted Hamas's position at long last -- and during the height of the conflict!