BREAKING NEWS: “Trump calls for Liz Cheney to be jailed for investigating him over Capitol attack”

Trump vs. Liz Cheney

We need Democrats nationwide to stand with Liz Cheney against Trump attacks, Friend! Add your name now >>



Friend – Liz Cheney, and her January 6th Committee colleagues worked tirelessly to expose Trump’s crimes against our country.

And now he is OUT FOR REVENGEhe is threatening persecution for January 6th Committee members if he wins this November!

While we rarely agree with Liz Cheney’s beliefs, we can’t let Trump continue to threaten Americans who bravely stood up to him.

So we’re asking Democrats to step up and stand with Liz Cheney against Trump’s latest attacks – 100 more signatures from District of Columbia needed.

Tap here or below to add your name now >>



Thank you for standing up to Trump.

Future Democrats

Thank you for supporting Future Democrats, Friend. Our team of passionate Democratic organizers worked around the clock in 2022 to surge the youth vote to historic heights, keeping the blue for Democrats.

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It’s crystal clear: When young voters turnout, Democrats win.

That’s why we started Future Democrats, a for-youth-by-youth organization focused entirely on flipping red seats blue and electing more young Democrats to Congress.

Using a unique blend of digital ads, on-the-ground voter turnout campaigns, and aggressive relational organizing, our team helped elect progressive Democrats like Senator John Fetterman, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Maxwell Frost in 2022.

So now, we’re gearing up to do it again in 2024 to keep Trump, McConnell, and the Republican party in the minority.

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to donate to help us elect our endorsed Democratic candidates, click here.

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