By Chauncey K. Robinson

Can democracy be protected during a pandemic? Even under the best-case scenario now being presented by officials, the United States may lose up to 100,000 people to the deadly COVID-19 virus. In the midst of this outbreak, it has become painfully clear that President Donald Trump has no intention of mounting a true national response to the coronavirus, leaving the task of saving lives up to local officials. As uncertainty and fear take hold, it’s easy to forget that a national election—a true life-or-death vote—is fast approaching in November.
Make no mistake, though, Donald Trump and the Republicans certainly remember it is coming. Although they’ve come up with many excuses for their lack of preparation for what has morphed into a modern-day plague, they still understand how paramount it is to suppress the vote of those that would surely cast Trump out come Election Day. Trump even admitted as much in a recent interview on Fox and Friends.
When discussing the now-passed stimulus package, Trump boldly asserted how he and the GOP made sure to gut any measures proposed by the Democrats to help voters exercise their rights. This included a severe decrease in the amount of money Democrats requested, out of the $2.2 trillion package, for states to help them run elections.
Trump’s reasoning? Republicans wouldn’t win if voting was made easier and readily available....