John — Donald Trump can’t stop bragging about overturning Roe v. Wade and releasing chaos and cruelty across the entire country.
And just this week, his crusade against reproductive healthcare resulted in a new decision from the Florida Supreme Court that will trigger a near-total ban that will impact the entire southeastern United States. This will absolutely put lives at risk.
We’ve taken steps in California to protect our rights by passing Proposition 1, but now we need to codify reproductive rights and restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land nationwide. But to do that, Democrats first need to take back the U.S. House. And that majority runs right through tossup seats here in California.
Will you make a donation that will 1) elect pro-choice Democrats in key California tossup seats who will then 2) vote to codify reproductive freedoms in Congress?
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Because of Donald Trump, MAGA Republicans are ripping away access to reproductive health care across the nation. They are pushing doctors and medical professionals out of the way and inserting themselves into the most personal decisions women can make, even including contraception and IVF.
Sadly, if Trump returns to the White House and Republicans keep control of Congress, things will only get worse.
Trump has said that women who get abortions should receive “punishment.” Additionally, Trump and his allies doubled down on plans to enact a federal abortion ban. Trump has promised to personally be “leading the charge” in getting one passed.
Fortunately, John, we have an opportunity to stop this reproductive rights rollback in its track and restore Roe v. Wade across the country.
But we can’t do it without first taking back control of the House Majority. And the media, election analysts, pundits, and Republicans all agree: The U.S. House will come down to California.
That’s why we are asking: Will you rush a donation of $35 or more to flip crucial swing seats here in California today so we can codify reproductive rights across America?
CHIP IN $35 >>
Thank you,