Sign the petition: Tell our elected leaders in Sacramento not to cut UC funding
Over the past 20 years demands on the U.C. system have skyrocketed, while funding hasn’t kept pace. Now, the California Legislature is considering cutting funding precisely when U.C. needs it most.
Please sign on to this letter urging California’s elected leaders to honor the compact, and continue to support U.C.
The success of our students depends on it.
Arab American Heritage Month

In 2021, President Biden named the month of April National Arab American Heritage Month. This month serves to celebrate and recognize the rich cultural heritage that Arab Americans contribute to the United States.
Check out this collection of curriculum from ShareMyLesson for the classroom and beyond.
Tax day is around the corner: IRS launches pilot program for free federal filing
The deadline for filing taxes is around the corner. The IRS launched a new pilot program called Direct File and is available in 12 states. It allows taxpayers with generally straightforward tax returns to file their federal taxes electronically for free with the IRS. The program is available to taxpayers in Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.
Click here to see if you qualify for free filing with Direct File.
Join us in Sacramento for the Classified Day of Action on May 21! Register now
Have you registered for the Classified Day of Action yet? On May 21 Classified workers and supporters from throughout the state will gather at the west steps of the capitol building for a spirited rally demanding respect for all classified workers and the students they serve.
Click here to register