Fellow Republicans, 


I am excited to announce we have brought on a new Executive Director Matt Janes! Matt served in the United States Marine Corps as a Machine Gun squad leader. After being honorably discharged he attended Illinois State University and became involved in politics. Since then he has worked on various Republican campaign, worked under former Congressman Rodney Davis, and most recently for State Representative Mike Coffey. We are all very excited for him to be on the team and ready for him to hit the ground running!

We are so thrilled to come to Madison County for our State Convention. This year’s convention will be held on May 24 and 25 in Collinsville at the Gateway Convention Center, 1 Gateway Drive, Collinsville, IL.

Under Illinois Law, the Illinois Republican Party must hold a convention every four years, in

Presidential election years. The last in-person convention was in 2016 in Peoria. In 2020, due to the pandemic, the convention was held virtually. Please visit the Republican County Chairmen’s Association website for more information on the convention: https://rcca.gop/convention/ and we will continue to update the convention website with more details and information. 

At our convention, we will also have several workshops and training sessions for all Republicans. There will be a variety of topics of County Chair and PC Candidate training, election integrity, working with your county clerk, GOP Data Center, how to utilize our walk app Numinar, messaging, Bank Your Vote, and much more.  Our general schedule for the training will be 

  • Friday, May 24 training sessions from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 25 training sessions from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

There will also be a vendor hall for everyone to visit that will be open continuously! If your organization is interested in being a vendor, please visit and click the vendor form at https://rcca.gop/convention/

A welcome reception will be complimentary for all delegates and registered guests at

7:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24 (the Cardinal Cubs game will be on!). There will be

additional opportunities for networking with hospitality suites.The General Convention Session is at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday and the Republican County Chairmen's Association will have a complimentary breakfast for members only on Saturday morning. Great events are being added daily! We will be sending more follow up communication as more details are being confirmed. 

There will be many additional opportunities to network with other fellow grassroots activists and elected Republicans across the state! All Delegates must be appointed by their County Chairman. In Cook County, Delegate appointments are made by Ward and Township Committeeman, as well as by the County Chairman.

Registration for the convention can be made online at https://secure.winred.com/illinoisgop/stateconvention. There is a $75 registration fee for guests. That may be paid online or there is a form you can download and send in a check. You may register as a guest and if you are later appointed a Delegate, we will update your registration. 

Save the date, stay tuned for more details and information, we hope to see you there! 

We examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago and in suburban Cook County. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican who lives in Cook County to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. Sign up to be an election judge! 

Calling all Republicans, Conservatives, and Patriots. We need all eyes on the ballot! Election judges serve a crucial role in ensuring fair and transparent elections. We need all eyes on the ballot and encourage all Illinois Republicans to sign up here. We encourageg all your friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues to serve as election judges for the general election! We also will have a heavy emphasis on more election integrity training over zoom and in person to better educate voters on the process, as well as gauge interest to serve as election judges or poll watchers. The overall goal of our election integrity efforts is to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.  Sign up to be an election judge or poll watcher in your county!

In case you have recently moved or just wish to check your registration status go to https://ova.elections.il.gov/RegistrationLookup.aspx to make sure that your voter registration is up to date ahead of the crucial 2024 election cycle.

To find out how you can help save Illinois, go to the Illinois Election Integrity Program website at ieip.org. Volunteer for as little or as much as you are able! Volunteers can help by joining the Illinois Election Integrity Program. Please reach out to CJ, our Election Integrity Director for further assistance.

We frequently hear that this Memo is not as widely distributed as it should be. Please help us in that regard by forwarding it to your family and friends. Click on the sign-up link

Editorial: Republicans are right to call out failings of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s Illinois Prisoner Review Board


The horrifying case of Crosetti Brand has surfaced an issue that's been percolating in Springfield for four years: the performance of the Illinois Prisoner Review Board.


The state body, comprising up to 15 members and by law required to include representatives of both parties, is responsible (among other things) for the critical job of deciding whether and when criminals should be paroled. It was the Prisoner Review Board that ruled last month it couldn't continue to hold Brand when he clearly committed acts that should have been deemed parole violations and should have returned him to prison. Brand was initially paroled late last year after serving eight years of a 16-year sentence for home invasion and aggravated battery involving an ex-girlfriend.


After the board decided it lacked evidence to continue holding him despite his threats early this year to a different woman he had dated more than a decade before, he was released and the following day attacked her, according to police and prosecutors. Her 11-year-old son, Jayden Perkins, was killed on March 13 trying to defend his 33-year-old pregnant mother, who was badly injured but survived.

. . .


But the issue of the board and how it's operated under Pritzker is far from settled. Senate Republicans who sounded the alarm for years on questionable parole decisions (well before the Crosetti Brand fiasco) now are proposing wide-ranging legislation to reform the board and to increase penalties for violations of orders of protection in domestic situations. Among other things, the bill would require more stringent qualifications for board members, who are paid nearly $100,000 a year.


"We have been raising red flags," state Sen. Jason Plummer, R-Edwardsville, said Tuesday at a news conference to unveil the bill. "We have been warning about the lack of qualifications of some of the governor's appointees for years. Literally years. . I don't know why it's taken a dead child for people to recognize some of these people are not qualified to serve on the board."


Plummer, the top Senate Republican on the Executive Appointments Committee, said the board under Pritzker has been more than twice as likely to parole convicts, including murderers, than the past three governors, including two Democrats.


Those parolees include some notorious examples such as Chester Weger - the so-called Starved Rock Killer, convicted of the 1960 murder of three women out for a hike - who was released in 2020 at age 83. Another was the 2021 release of Johnny Veal, who along with a second man was convicted of killing two Chicago police officers in 1970. Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx, generally sympathetic to restorative-justice and rehabilitation arguments, opposed Veal's parole, describing the cop killings as "cold-blooded executions" and adding that Veal boasted about it.


Yet another was Ray Larsen, given a 100-to-300-year sentence for murdering a 16-year-old fishing in a forest preserve in 1972. The board moved to release him in 2021, and Larsen immediately violated parole and was a fugitive for a week before authorities caught up with him at a local hospital. While Larsen was unaccounted for, Foxx's office warned surviving family members of Frank Casolari, Larsen's victim, since Larsen previously had threatened to harm family members, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.


Under Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, the Prisoner Review Board voted 12-0 to deny Larsen parole. Under Pritzker, the board granted Larsen's release on a 9-3 vote.


Republicans in Springfield often struggle to be heard, since Democrats enjoy overwhelming majorities in both legislative chambers. But they've been right to call out the governor on the failures of the Prisoner Review Board, and Democrats in the capital should have heeded their warnings far earlier.


Like it or not, Pritzker bears part of the responsibility for the nightmare Jayden Perkins' family has endured. Many of his Prisoner Review Board appointees have reflected a philosophy emphasizing criminal rehabilitation over victims' concerns, and the board's decisions have followed suit.

We hope it goes without saying that Democrats must engage honestly with Republicans. Senate Majority Leader Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, says he'll review the GOP proposal. Hopefully, that review won't be just cursory. If Republicans' proposal to require a minimum 20 years of consecutive experience in the criminal justice system isn't the right prescription, Democrats need to negotiate a set of qualifications to reassure the public that board members won't be more sympathetic to criminals than to victims.

Pledge to Bank Your Vote

The Parents Matter Coalition (PMC) was started by a group of Illinois parents concerned with protecting their children. As the state of Illinois continues to encroach upon parents’ right to be involved in their children’s lives – particularly within the context of major life-altering decisions such as abortion or gender modifying therapies and treatments – PMC came together to push back against the government’s interference in parent-child relationships. Together, the coalition introduced a ballot initiative (referred to as the ‘Right to Parent’ initiative) that poses a very simple question: should parental consent be required for any minor child to receive life-altering treatments? If the 500,000 signature minimum is met by April of 2024, this question will appear on the ballot of every voter in the state on Election Day. The Parents Rights Initiative is a signature petition drive to support a Ballot Advisory Question (BAQ) to collect 500,000 signatures to secure a place on the November 2024 General Election Ballot. We will do this when we engage 50,000 volunteer circulators from around the state representing a multitude of organizations all committed to a parent’s right to parent their minor children. Please help us gather the 500,000 signatures needed to get this on the Fall ballot by printing the petition form from the website and asking your family, friends and colleagues to sign the petition.

Thank you for all you do and for supporting the Illinois Republican Party.


Don Tracy

Please stand with us and consider making a $10 or $25 contribution to our efforts. Your generous donation will fund our fight against the Democrat socialist agenda. Thank you in advance.

Illinois Republican Party | PO Box 64897, Chicago, IL 60664
