Hi John,

You need to act now before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes you pay more for food. 

Liberal, New Democrat and Bloc Québécois MPs on a Parliamentary committee recently voted in favour of a motion to impose a tax on grocery stores. 

Trudeau also threatened to hammer you with a new grocery tax. 

“We are not ruling anything out, including tax measures,” said Trudeau.

Listen, it’s one thing to go after corporations when they’re breaking the rules. 

But here’s something that won’t make groceries cheaper: a new tax.

Taxes will make your grocery haul even more expensive. 

Guess who made exactly that point?

“The last thing we want to do is put on a tax that people then just pass along to the consumers,” Trudeau said in 2022, when asked about a grocery tax. 

Even Trudeau pointed out the obvious: A new grocery tax would make your life more expensive. If Trudeau wants to help lower food prices, he should scrap his carbon tax.

The federal budget is on April 16. If you don’t support a new grocery tax, you need to make your voice heard now. 

Will you sign the PETITION?

To Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

Another tax won't make groceries more affordable, it will make them more expensive.

Canadians cannot afford a grocery tax.

The government should cut taxes to make life more affordable, not impose a new grocery tax.

We, the undersigned, call on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to immediately rescind his grocery tax threat.

Once you sign the petition, keep an eye out on your email inbox. We will let you know when you have a good opportunity to push politicians to scrap their plans for a grocery tax. 

Thanks for fighting for taxpayers – you’re making a difference!

All the best, 

Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director – Canadian Taxpayers Federation 

PS: It only takes a minute to show Trudeau you don’t support a grocery tax. You can automatically add your name by clicking this LINK.