Dear Friend,
I hope everyone had a relaxing and joyful Easter with their friends, family, and loved ones.
Over the next week, I will be hosting my annual Service Academy Day for high school students interested in serving in our nation’s military, and a telephone town hall to discuss solutions to the border crisis while taking your questions live on the call.
Tomorrow, I invite parents, teachers, and students at any grade level to attend my Service Academy Day at the Northwoods Veterans Post in Merrill.
Representatives from each of the five military branches will join me to discuss the application and nomination processes for applying to U.S. service academies. Registration will begin at 9:30 AM, and you can click here for more information.
Shifting gears a little bit, it is no secret that under the Biden administration, the crisis at our southern border has spiraled out of control.
Because of our open borders, Americans are getting killed, veterans housing is being overrun by illegal aliens, fentanyl is flooding our streets, and taxpayers are footing the bill.
Just yesterday, a report was released exposing the City of Madison for misusing $700,000 in “COVID recovery funds” to aid and abet illegal immigration.
Taxpayers have a right to know what their hard-earned money is being spent on, and these Democrat-run cities that are abusing federal funds need to be held accountable.
On Tuesday, April 9th, I will be hosting a telephone town hall at 7 PM to discuss solutions that would help curb the flow of illegal immigration and illicit drugs pouring over our borders.
Constituents in Wisconsin’s Seventh District may register online here or dial in the day of by calling 833-946-1523.
I am looking forward to taking your calls live and hearing your concerns about this damaging crisis.
Thanks for starting your weekend off with the Tiffany Telegram. We will be back next week with another update.
Tom Tiffany Member of Congress
Evers supports erasing women’s sports
Instead of standing up for our daughters, this week Governor Evers vetoed a bill that would have protected girls who play sports. Assembly Bill (AB) 377 would have banned biological men from playing in women’s sports, but unfortunately, Democrats in Wisconsin believe that students should get to play in sports leagues outside of their biological sex. We’ve all seen the consequences of this dangerous policy. From girls getting their teeth knocked out in field hockey by a biological man to Lia Thomas, a biological man, winning women’s swimming championships, enough is enough. I support a fair and level playing field for our daughters, and that’s why last year, I voted to pass the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. This important bill would ensure that biological females compete only against other biological females in women’s sports. You can view how members of Congress voted on that bill here.
Biden slashes Medicare Advantage
Earlier this week, the Biden administration finalized a proposal to cut payments for Medicare Advantage plans by nearly 0.2%. These cuts would impact nearly half of Medicare enrollees – meaning more than half a million Wisconsinites will see benefit cuts. Medicare Advantage plans give Americans choice, competition, and coverage, and I remain opposed to these proposed cuts. That’s why I signed on to Rep. Virginia Foxx’s (NC-05) letter urging CMS not to issue cuts to the Medicare Advantage program.
NTEC would provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy
Last week, I attended a great event in Superior where leaders from across Wisconsin joined together for a press conference to show our support for the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC). This 625-megawatt plant is a critical energy project not only for Wisconsin, but for our region and America. NTEC has gone through a rigorous federal permitting process and was delayed thanks to petitioning from radical environmental groups and Biden’s EPA, but it eventually received federal approval and was found to have no significant environmental impact. Now it just needs the local permits to be finalized so it can begin construction, but its facing obstruction. Despite multiple regulatory approvals from state and federal agencies and state courts, just yesterday, the Superior City Council voted not to set up any further public hearings on the project – putting NTEC on pause. This plant will deliver clean, affordable, and reliable energy to the region, support businesses, provide good paying jobs, and help ensure continued economic growth in northern Wisconsin. The City of Superior has a fantastic opportunity with this project and the investment into the community that comes with it, and they should not squander it. Wisconsin and its residents will be better off if this project gets done, and I urge the City of Superior to reconsider their decision. It’s past time we support American energy and ensure a prosperous 21st century not only for Wisconsin, but for all of America.

Thank you to Americans For Prosperity and Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce for hosting an event in support of the Nemadji Trail Energy Center last week.
Committee Update
Protecting whistleblowers from being intimidated into silence
Whistleblowers play an important role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and integrity within our government institutions by sounding the alarm on bad actors within the agencies. Unfortunately, during the investigation into the Biden family, several whistleblowers who came forward have faced retaliation from the IRS and FBI. Telegram readers may remember the backlash Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler faced after disclosing to Congress that federal prosecutors were concealing significant evidence against Hunter and Joe Biden. The possibility of facing retaliation – from pulling their security clearances to ending their careers – forces many would-be whistleblowers to remain quiet, blocking critical oversight of our federal agencies and further eroding public trust. That’s why I joined Rep. Nick Langworthy (NY-23) and several of my House Judiciary colleagues to introduce H.R. 7750, the Protecting Whistleblowers from Retribution Act. This legislation strengthens protections for whistleblowers by ensuring that only the Inspector General has the authority to investigate claims of retaliation – so agencies aren’t responsible for investigating themselves, prohibits freezing security clearances without cause, and establishes an appeal process. This bill is an important step towards ensuring that those who come forward to do the right thing can do so without fearing for their future.
Recent Legislation
Biden’s crackdown on affordable short-term insurance
Recently, the Biden administration issued a final rule that would severely restrict the availability of short-term limited-duration health plans from twelve months to a mere four months. These plans are designed for maximum flexibility, patient choice, and are 59% less expensive than the typical Obamacare plan. Rather than limiting access to affordable short-term limited-duration plans like President Biden, I cosponsored Rep. Keith Self’s (TX-03) Patient’s Choice Act to overturn the administration’s proposed rule and keep these Obamacare alternatives available.
District Update
Photo of the Week
This week, we have a very special photo of the week honoring a real-life American and Wisconsin hero. Lou Conter, the last survivor of the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor, passed away this week at 102. Born in Sawyer County in Ojibwa, Lieutenant Commander Conter served for 23 years in the Navy – retiring in 1967. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, he was part of a rescue boat that helped save several crew members. One of his life’s mottos was “Don’t ever panic in any situation.” It is an honor to say that Lou was born in the Seventh District, and may his memory serve as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of his bravery and selflessness.
“An American Hero” – Lou Conter, the last living survivor of the USS Arizona Pearl Harbor attack, passed away at 102.
Vacation is meant to be relaxing, so don’t let renewing or applying for your passport stress you out. The current processing time is 10 to 13 weeks, so we recommend getting this done as soon as possible. For more information, click here.
The USDA continues to make resources and assistance available to agricultural producers and working families to ensure access, safety and stability for food markets and supplies.
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As always, you are welcome to visit my website or to contact my offices in Washington, DC or Wisconsin, which remain open for service, if you have any questions or need assistance.
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