Dear Friend,
As you may know, the ADL Washington D.C. region oversees our work in the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia. Some days, I am in awe of the incredible work being done on the ground and in our local and state governments to fight antisemitism and hate in all forms. Other times, there is a sober reminder of the depth and makeup of our area, like last week when ADL released our annual
report on white supremacist propaganda.
White supremacist propaganda was found in almost all 50 states. Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina all landed in the top ten ranking, with Virginia in the number one spot. Notably, antisemitic propaganda increased by 30% and anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda saw a 141% jump. These numbers are frightening and concerning, but they also remind us of the importance of ADL’s work and mission. It is also a reminder that we can’t do this alone.
That is why we are calling on you, members of our vast and proud D.C. region, to speak out against propaganda, antisemitism, and all other manifestations of hate. ADL is proud to offer a citizens toolkit that provides information and guidance for safely responding to encounters of propaganda. As always, if you experience an incident of hate or antisemitism in any way, please report it directly at
ADL Report an Incident. Know that our regional office is always here to support you. Thank you for all you do to support our community and ADL. We could not do this work without you.

Meredith R. Weisel
ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Director |