Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, the NORML team is working remotely in compliance with CDC guidelines. However, the work of reforming our nation's failed marijuana laws are not suspended therefore we're sending you our weekly newsletter with the most recent developments in cannabis policy, politics, and science. But first we encourage you to read our blog post, "Regarding COVID-19: A Message to the NORML Family from the Executive Director," which provides guidance to the cannabis community for staying safe during these trying times and further outlines the steps we are taking to continue to serve our members.

Volume 23 • Issue 14 • April 02, 2020
The FDA is "actively evaluating potential rulemaking to allow CBD in dietary supplements."
Senators urge "the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government to include language in … forthcoming legislation to help extend SBA loan programs to legal cannabis businesses."
"Claims about the benefits of using CBD on viral infections were largely supported by CBD online retailers and most often appear to be a biased interpretation of the scientific literature."
Survey data compiled by reported that 53 percent of respondents believe that medical marijuana dispensaries "should be considered essential services."
The rule change permits patients who possess a valid recommendation, but are still in the process of waiting for a state-issued registration card, to have immediate access to cannabis.
Senate Bill 329 expands the state's definition of acceptable "forms of medical cannabis" to include "dry leaf or plant form."
Senate Coalition Urges SBA to Support Small Cannabis Businesses Details
04/02/20 6:37pm UTC
LIFE FOR POT: Why Relief Is Needed For Incarcerated Cannabis Offenders Details
04/02/20 3:53pm UTC
Wisconsin’s 2020 Candidate Scorecard Details
04/01/20 9:35pm UTC
NORML Issues Cannabis Policy Guidance For Lawmakers and Prosecutors For Protecting Public Health During COVID-19 Crisis Details
04/01/20 6:32pm UTC
Review Paper: Clinical Evidence Lacking in Support of CBD as an Anti-Viral Agent Details
03/30/20 10:31pm UTC
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