Wilson in the News
NATO: Braindead No More? (The Monocle)
“There is nothing like a present threat to change your threat perception, and that is what has happened in the Alliance... they know that they need to resupply and relook at their militaries, including their personnel policies, and not just because of Ukraine.” -Robin Quinville
A Balancing Crisis: Managing Policy Ahead of South Korean Election (The Diplomat)
“Under increased pressure to show not only what the South Korean government has accomplished abroad, but also at home, the Yoon administration has made efforts to re-envision international successes as domestic wins. However, the balancing act between foreign and domestic policy is often difficult to achieve.” -Kayla Orta
Netanyahu: Israeli Forces “Unintentionally Struck Innocent People” (CNN)
“Israel’s rules of engagement for using force in this battle are far too loose, they must be tightened. President Biden needs to insist on this.” -Ambassador James Jeffrey