Sisters, Brothers & Siblings,


We are back by popular demand… so here are the 5 things you should know in April.

1. Our Joint Legislative Conference was a resounding success!


We were recently joined by our Central Labor Councils and 600 rank and file members and leaders in Sacramento where we learned about the State Fed’s and Building Trades legislative priorities. We heard from Attorney General Rob Bonta, Assembly Speaker Rob Rivas and Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire. We also heard from our Assembly and Senate Labor Committee Chairs: Liz Ortega and Lola Smallwood-Cuevas. This is the first time we have two legislators that came from Organized Labor heading these important committees, and two women of color no less! We also heard from some really inspiring workers, including those organizing with the Boilermakers and IBEW in Sacramento at Siemens, as well as workers who just won unions at the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn, Barnes and Noble and student workers at the CSU.


We also recognized the 36 legislators with perfect 100% labor voting records and presented them with our signature bobblehead trophies. A special shout-out to the 3 legislators who will be termed out and received Lifetime 100% Scores - Assemblymembers Kevin McCarty, Reggie Jones-Sawyer and Speaker-Emeritus Anthony Rendon!

2. More young people are joining unions!


Earlier this year, California State University Employees Union won an election to represent some 20,000 Student Assistants employed by CSU across 23 campuses. This is the largest student union in the country. We are so happy for these young workers unite together to bargain for better pay, sick time, accessible parking, and other benefits! If you know someone who needs a union in their workplace, don’t forget to send them to

3. Organizing trainings continue!


We are continuing our amazing opportunities for in person trainings on how to organize, as well as our online series on how to use labor laws to help in organizing drives. The California Organizing Institute will be in Alameda in May, in San Jose/South Bay in August, and in Orange County in December! You can find learn more about our trainings at: or by contacting Chloe at [email protected].

4. Join us on April 17th for the Public Sector Job Quality Hearing!


On Wednesday, April 17, we are working with our public sector unions and legislators to highlight the crisis facing our public service members due to vacancies and contracting out. Our public sector has been hollowed out during Covid and we have not recovered. Union leaders and members from across the public sector will educate legislators about the need to fill vacancies, maintain good, full-time jobs, and stop reckless contracting to protect workers and the families our members serve. The hearing will be televised and you can watch it live on the 17th by clicking on Assembly PERS Committee at

5. Our Convention is coming… to San Diego this summer!


We are getting excited about our California Labor Federation Biennial Convention. The two full convention days are Tuesday, July 16 and Wednesday, July 17, but we will be kicking the Convention off with an evening welcome reception on Monday the 15th. We'll gather at The Sheraton Marina in San Diego, conveniently located across the street from the San Diego Airport, and looking out over the beautiful San Diego Bay. We hope to see you there! Please contact your local union if you are a delegate. Contact Melanie at [email protected] for more details.

In Solidarity,