Glenn Youngkin continues his record of not only giving away our tax dollars to billionaires, but he has aligned himself with the furthest right fringes of the Republican Party. There’s no room for error in undoing the damage Youngkin has done, so we’re building the infrastructure NOW to flip our governor’s seat blue in 2025!

Last month, Gov. Youngkin endorsed Donald Trump, the man who called the Nazis that came to our very own Charlottesville “very fine people.” He lacks the political courage to stand up for what’s best for Virginians and instead aligns himself with a candidate who proudly supports a total federal ban on abortion, slashing Social Security and Medicaid, and dangerous anti-democratic ideology.

Just last week, he vetoed a bill to raise the minimum wage for Virginians, which would have helped lift thousands of Virginians out of poverty. He also vetoed an assault weapons ban and other gun safety measures that would have made us safer.

We can’t afford a Youngkin clone to continue his work selling out Virginia families, and we’re laying the groundwork to flip our governor’s seat blue NOW. Chip in $5, $25, or $50 to support our work to elect someone who will truly put Virginians first!

– Team DPVA

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Democratic Party of Virginia
PO Box 448
Richmond, VA 23218
United States
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia,
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.