Gov. Josh Shapiro recently announced his new plan to turn Pennsylvania into a national energy leader.
Unfortunately, his plan is a top-down bureaucracy with a massive energy tax.
Shapiro claims his new energy proposals will help keep Pennsylvania out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)—a multistate cap-and-tax program. As a candidate, Shapiro expressed concern that RGGI would increase consumer energy prices.
But instead of keeping Pennsylvania out of RGGI and cutting energy costs by tapping into our state’s resources, Shapiro now proposes his version of the program in the form of the Pennsylvania Climate Emissions Reduction Act (PACER). He’s also pushing a Pennsylvania Reliable Energy Sustainability Standard (PRESS), a big-government initiative that picks energy winners and losers.
Together, PACER and PRESS would leave Pennsylvania worse off with higher energy costs. Commonwealth Foundation Senior Manager of Energy Policy André Béliveau explains in his recent National Review op-ed exactly why the governor’s energy plan is economically damaging for Pennsylvania: “Shapiro’s new tax and regulatory schemes threaten to undermine his state’s most important economic sector, punishing the industries delivering the emissions reductions he claims to desire.”
Please be sure to read André’s op-ed.
And send a message to Governor Shapiro now telling him to reject new energy taxes!
- Commonwealth Foundation