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Friend --
Baseball's back, the cherry blossoms have bloomed
-- spring is definitely here! Plenty below on some major items: the
new deal with Monumental to keep the Wizards and Caps here in DC,
public safety, the Mayor's proposed budget is out, and a big
environmental bill moves forward.
We've been crisscrossing the Ward in the past few weeks, including
meeting with residents in two buildings in Ward 6 to talk about ways I
can support their efforts to get their property managers to do their
jobs and provide safe and clean homes. I'm always happy to speak with
residents in larger buildings if I can help use my office to solve any
issues, so don't hesitate to reach out.
I also had a chance to join neighbors in Southwest at Bloomaroo
for The
Anthem's NSO In Your Neighborhood performance -- such a wonderful
part of living in DC. What's your favorite spring activity in Ward 6?
Let me know!
And last, but certainly not least: come out tomorrow for the Great
Ward 6 Spring Clean! More than 300 neighbors will be all over the Ward
from 10am-12pm (and we'll meet up after for lunch at the Roost until
2). More info and the full list of sites below. And show us your crew
at work on social using #Ward6!
Quick Links: Spring Clean
Details | Public Safety | Wizards and Caps! | Budget | Healthy Homes Vote | Randall Rec Center | New Park
| Miner ES | Vision Zero
Installation | ERAP | Food Drive | DPR Jobs
| Payne ES | DC United
The Great Ward 6 Spring Clean is Tomorrow!
We've got our sites finalized and ready ahead of
the April 6 Great Ward 6 Spring Clean! This is going to be the biggest
one yet, as we have more than three hundred people signed up to
volunteer and 15 sites (plus a few groups working privately). All
the sites are listed here (or just clean up along your block!) I'm
looking forward to seeing folks tomorrow, Saturday, April 6, from
10-12 -- and meet up with us after at the Roost for lunch!
Public Safety Update
As we close out the first quarter of the year, our
big picture stats on crime continue to trend downward in nearly
every category. We aren't where we want to be, but comparing the first
three months of last year to this year, we're seeing a lot of
progress. If you've been the victim of a crime, or someone you know
has, all the stats in the world don't matter - we need to continue to
see urgent and impactful progress. I know I've spoken with several
neighbors in Hill East following a spate of gun violence incidents.
I'm communicating closely with First District during their
investigations to ensure accountability. My goal continues to be
focused on a both / and approach to public safety --
both ensuring swift and certain accountability for
anyone who commits harm in our community, and
bringing smart, strategic, and focused efforts by government to crime
prevention, interruption, and reentry into society.
That was my guiding approach while I was Chair of the Committee on
the Judiciary and Public Safety, and it remains mine now. It's also an
approach to public safety that seems to have broad support with DC
residents, based on the Opportunity
DC poll cited in this recent DC Crime Facts post.
New Bill on Reducing Chronic Truancy in
On that front, I want to talk about a bill I
introduced this week focused on lowering the alarming rates of chronic
truancy and absenteeism in our schools -- especially our high schools.
We have 13 high schools in DC where a majority of students are
chronically truant, with 11 of them hitting rates above 70 percent.
These numbers are simply unacceptable. While many school systems saw
truancy go up during the pandemic, the District has lagged behind in
recovery, and I haven't seen any urgency from the Executive to tackle
this. There's a variety of reasons that a student may not go to
school, and we need to tailor our responses to each. I remember a
recent conversation I had with a mother who told me if it's a sunny,
warm day, she considers keeping her two kids at home rather than
school, because she's not confident they'll be safe getting there and
back again. She needs to know - just like everyone - that her city
will do what's necessary to keep her kids safe. We may not think of a
truancy bill as a public safety bill, per se, because not every child
that skips school goes on to commit a crime or be a victim of one. But
when someone is missing this much school, good things don't follow.
The more we can keep our kids in school, the better outcomes we'll
have across a wide range of issues, including public safety. I spoke
to NBC4 and
about the bill to take on this serious issue.
Here are a few key bullet points on the Chronic
Absenteeism and Truancy Reduction Act of 2024. What the bill
Schools with a chronic absenteeism rate above 20% should be
designated as priority areas for the Safe Passages Safe Blocks program
by School Year 2027-2028.
- There are many reasons kids stop going to school. Being afraid of
getting there and back safely is one of them, without question. That's
what Safe Passages does.
A new additional funding category be added to school budgets
specifically to address chronic absenteeism.
- I know our schools are facing staff cuts right now. But if we want
them to be equipped to take on chronic truancy and we raise
expectations for them to intervene earlier, then we have to be honest
that we also need to arm them with the resources to do
Schools must intervene when a student misses five days
unexcused in one quarter or marking period.
- This doesn't always currently happen. I want to require that
before a school has to turn to the Office of the Attorney General or
Child and Family Services Agency, they must intervene and engage with
the student and their family to find out what's going on and what they
School principals should be given the final call on how their
school uses at-risk or chronic absentee funding.
- All too often, these "additional funds" get used to plug needs in
the school that the standard budget should be covering. If we give
principals that authority, they know what their children need
My bill joins two others introduced by my colleagues Councilmembers
Robert White and Zachary Parker, which shows there's a strong interest
in taking action here. We need to do everything we can to get our kids
in school and ensure our schools are safe and welcoming
Community Walk in Northwest One
I joined seniors at Golden Rule Plaza, ANC
Commissioner Kevin Rogers, and First District officers for a community
safety walk around their immediate neighborhood. We focused on a few
issues with some recent car break-ins and spent a good amount of time
troubleshooting traffic concerns along New Jersey Avenue, NW. Plenty
to take away and follow-up with DDOT, but as always, grateful to
everyone who took the time to share their perspective.
"Drug-Free Zone" Established at 8th and H Street
The Council's Secure DC law now in effect created the ability for
MPD to "disrupt" hot spots by creating a time-limited and
geographically-limited drug-free zone. MPD implemented a drug-free
zone at 8th and H Street, NE last weekend for five days. The goal is
to disrupt ongoing illegal issues long enough to help "reset" an area.
I want to hear how MPD and neighbors evaluated the impact of this zone
on long-term chronic issues, and I also believe the District should
similarly expand concepts like the Safety Hub in Chinatown to other
corridors in need.

Ward 6 Public Safety Updates
Made in Robbery at 900 First Street SE Arrest
Made in Stabbing at 700 block of 15th Street NE
More details above on arrests in two recent Ward 6 crimes, and
please join neighbors at our April walks in partnership with MPD's
First District.
This month, MPD's First District team will be hosting walks in
Southwest and Northwest neighborhoods in Ward 6. Info in the graphic.
All are welcome!
The Wizards and Caps are Staying in DC!
The big news last week was the announcement that
Monumental Sports & Entertainment would be staying in the District
and signing a new lease through 2050. This is great news! In exchange
for a new commitment, the agreement includes an investment of $515
million to upgrade the arena itself and the surrounding public spaces
by the District. The overall project will cost a combined one billion
dollars in total and includes Monumental expanding their footprint
into vacant commercial space, improving the surrounding area for event
experiences, and a much bigger focus on making the streets surrounding
the arena a lot more accessible to pedestrians and inviting for a more
vibrant streetscape.
Last August, I rang the alarm bell in the Washington
Post that DC needed to prioritize getting a deal done with
Monumental over an NFL stadium at RFK. Since then, we all went on
quite the journey while Monumental tried to land a massive deal to
move to Potomac Yards in Virginia. But the deal fell through.
Ultimately, keeping the Capitals and Wizards here is the right thing
to do for our city and is crucial for a few reasons:
- The fact that the arena hosts an NBA and NHL team means there are
80+ home games a year. Add to that the many concerts and special
events at the venue, and combined, it hosts more than 320 daily major
events with near year-round activation. It easily becomes the most
productive investment option a city can make in a professional sports
venue. That matters an awful lot since our goal with an investment
isn't the upgrades themselves, but the preservation and expansion of
economic activity that draws millions of visitors to downtown every
year. The Downtown BID's February 2023 study estimated the arena
creates around $34 million in tax revenue annually -- meaning this
investment should pay for itself over the life of the deal, if not
grow some as we create more favorable conditions to draw people to the
area year-round.
- The arena will continue to be one of the most accessible via
public transit in the nation and located right in the center of the
city. I'm really proud of that fact, as it means the arena and the
teams will continue to truly feel like a central part of DC culture
and identity. That's also good news for Metro and recovering ridership
The deal itself includes significant benefits to activating more of
the surrounding streets, particularly F Street and 6th Street. It will
enclose the alleyways that connect 6th and 7th Street (think where
Clyde's is) and allow for more activation and use of space. This is
going to be key to bringing more people to the area before and after
events and supporting those local businesses. And with the city's
investment comes a requirement that 50 percent of the project must
include first source hiring of DC residents and working with DC
businesses. That's critical as it ensures this investment benefits DC
residents from day one of construction through the life of the
I know this is getting announced right before we start a tough
budget process. We have schools that need additional funding to retain
or hire teachers, a looming issue with honoring the city's commitment
to our child care workers, likely cuts to SNAP benefits for our
families living right on the edge, funding WMATA, and more. So it's
important to be clear the funding for this deal is coming out of the
capital budget, not the operating budget, and we can't move dollars
from one to the other. The capital budget is what we use to build
things, not pay salaries. We have a lot of work ahead of us to craft a
budget that ensures we don't backslide on the progress we've made
since the pandemic. I think this is a great investment in reimagining
downtown to be much more of a mixed-use neighborhood and preserving
the economic vitality of the area that helps pay for many important
government services.
Council Budget Process Begins
It's been well-covered, but the District's budget
process was delayed by about two weeks due to a disagreement between
the Mayor and the CFO on how quickly one of four reserve funds needs
to be replenished -- about a $250 million question. But the budget
process kicked off in earnest on Wednesday, April 3 when the Mayor
formally presented her proposal to the Council. Our revised Committee
schedule is in the graphic to the right, and you can also start
looking for the agencies
where you want to weigh in through our hearing management system,
which is searchable by committee.
While we've had the budget for just 48 hours and are still digging
in, there are a few things that are clear. In good news, all of the
Ward 6 school, library, rec center, pool, and park modernizations I've
fought for are included and preserved. That's important to ensure DC
residents know their city is still delivering on improved services and
facilities. But on the operating side of the budget, there are major
concerns. This is my 10th budget as your Councilmember, but I've never
seen such cuts to low-income households, vulnerable residents, and
lower-wage workers. The Mayor's proposed budget leaves several schools
facing cuts to their staff, eliminates higher pay for childcare
workers, raises taxes on low-wage workers, defunds programs to
modernize and lower utility bills for low-income households, cuts food
assistance to SNAP beneficiaries, and more. I've been through
difficult city budgets before, and I know we'll have tough decisions
to make, but if we're asking for shared sacrifices from residents,
then we have to be able to ask a little of everyone, not balance the
budget on the backs of one group of neighbors over another.
I'll share greater details in the next newsletter
of what's in the Mayor's proposed budget, and I invite you to
join me at my annual Ward
6 Budget Town Hall, set for Monday, April 29 from 6 to 7:30
pm at the Northeast Branch Library, where we'll dig deep on
the proposed budget and give you more chances to have your voice
Healthy Homes Act Passes First Vote Unanimously
On Tuesday, the Council took the first of two votes
on my Healthy Homes Act. This is a bill that sets a goal to upgrade
30,000 homes by 2040 to use electric heat and appliances rather than
fossil fuel sources. This is entirely voluntary and geared toward
low-income households to ensure as we move away from fossil fuels,
they're not left behind. And no one from the government is coming to
take away your gas stove unless you ask them to.
I believe this bill is an important part of the District's overall
efforts to get to a net-zero carbon output by tackling one significant
source of emissions: those coming from powering our homes. Just as
important, not burning a fossil fuel like natural gas (which has high
levels of methane) will improve indoor air quality and reduce risks of
breathing issues like asthma. As the country pushes to phase out
fossil fuels in the next few decades, we want to be sure everyone can
make the transition, not just those who can afford a new electric
stove or heat pump.
I funded the bill last year through the Department of Energy and
Environment's Sustainable Energy Trust Fund (SETF), although
unfortunately, the Mayor has now taken most of that money in her
proposed budget to cover the District government's own energy bills.
The SETF is a dedicated pot of money meant to fund all kinds of
renewable and sustainable projects, including supporting DC's Green
Bank - which finances green projects - as well as working with large
commercial and residential buildings to meet energy efficiency goals.
We'll need to work hard together to replenish funds for the Healthy
Homes Act, because I certainly don't support taking money for
low-income homeowners to pay the DC government's energy bills
Share Your View on Randall Park Recreation Center
Thanks to the neighbors who joined me recently to walk and talk
with DPR staff about the future of Randall Rec Center in Southwest
(it's right at South Capitol Street, SW). If you didn't get the chance
to join us, you didn't miss your only opportunity to weigh in. Here
are three ways to get involved from DPR:
New Pocket Park at 8th and Mass NE
For my Capitol Hill neighbors along Massachusetts
Ave NE, the new pocket park is open and lovely just in time for
spring! This was a park upgrade project I secured funding for in the
budget a few years ago (with the great partnership of neighbors like
Mike Soderman and Tom Cash), and we've transformed the park into a
wonderful place to get outside and enjoy the sun in your neighborhood.
If you haven't had the chance to visit, stop by this weekend!
New Principal Transition at Miner Elementary School
A new principal has been named for Miner Elementary School.
While Miner is now physically located in Ward 7, it's home to many
Ward 6 families. So I don't really care where the Ward line lands;
it's a neighborhood school whose success is critical to me. Dr.
Broquard will be moving to Miner Elementary School after a long tenure
at Lafayette Elementary School in Ward 3. Previously, DCPS has placed
a rotating set of leaders at Miner - something like eight principals
in the last four years. Miner has needed strong, consistent leadership
to work with its amazing school community. I'm hopeful this selection
represents a new day in that regard and a commitment from DCPS to
deliver for Miner's families. I hope you'll join me in welcoming Dr.
Broquard to Miner!
Vision Zero Improvements Being Installed at Independence Ave and
Kentucky Ave SE
Sharing what I
posted on Instagram earlier this week: happy to report DDOT is
finally moving forward with changes to the intersection at
Independence and Kentucky Avenues, SE to make permanent (and nicer
looking) curb and crosswalk extensions and bike infrastructure that
will help improve visibility and slow down drivers. This will result
in a much safer and less stressful pedestrian experience in a
wonderful, walkable neighborhood that many children navigate going to
and from school. If we're ever going to make Vision Zero a reality, we
need to do more of these tactical changes.
ERAP Portal Re-Opened Monday, April 1
For anyone behind on rent, the emergency rental assistance program
portal will open on Monday and remain open until this quarter's funds
are exhausted - which will happen fast. Get your paperwork together
over the weekend and be ready. Here's
the link with a FAQ to be sure you have what you need.
Ward 6 Mutual Aid Food Drive
Our friends at Ward 6 Mutual Aid are holding a food drive. More
from them on how to help fight hunger right here in Ward 6:
Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid is doing a big push during
the month of April to stock up on food and supplies to support our
neighbors through the coming summer months. They are accepting
shelf-stable food and toiletries.
Donate in person at any of the following locations:
- Christ United Methodist Church (900 4th St SW, back entrance
off the pathway to the SW Public Library), on Wednesdays from 3-5pm
and Saturdays from 12-2pm
- SW Farmers Market (425 M St SW) at the Serve Your City/Ward 6
Mutual Aid booth, on Saturdays from 9am-1pm
- Check your building or church to see if they are hosting a
donation box
To sponsor a donation box at your housing community or
business, contact [email protected].
Now Hiring: DPR Staffing Up Summer Jobs
DPR is beginning the hiring process for a wide range of summer
jobs, including:
Working at a Pool – DPR will train
you for FREE to be a lifeguard or work as a pool operator
or pool-based Customer Service Representative.
Working at a School – Work at a DPR Boost Camp,
offering kids ages 3-13 enriching recreation opportunities on-site at
District schools, with kids who attend that school.
Engaging Youth in the District – Work with kids
through DPR’s Roving Leaders program or the Mayor Marion S. Barry
Summer Youth Employment Program.
DPR’s Environmental Division – Lead and support
nature-themed outdoor programming and events including wellness walks,
geocaching, hiking, kayaking, fishing, bird watching, and
Operations – Help move and set up DPR equipment and
play activations or work as a driver transporting kids, staff, and
cargo around DC and beyond.
Food Service – Assist in DPR’s summer meals programs
as a food safety inspector or monitor.
Visit EarnWithDPR.com
to start your application and learn more.
Payne Elementary School Students Stop by the Wilson Building
A few times a year, I have the opportunity to visit
a classroom at a Ward 6 school and answer questions from our students.
But it's even more fun when the students make the field trip down to
see where their local government works. This week, Payne Elementary
third graders visited the Wilson Building to take a tour and meet some
of their local representatives (including me, Chairman Mendelson, and
City Administrator Kevin Donohue). They had a great questions and
ideas. And it was a good reminder: have you ever been to your state
capital building? It's open to the public most days -- come down and
stop by Suite 110 when you do!
DC United Ticket Giveaway!
You made it to the end (I'm sure you didn't cheat with the quick
links at the top)! Just reply to this email, and we'll enter you in a
raffle for two DC United tickets for the April 27 match against the
Seattle Sounders at 7:30pm.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen
