Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Hey there, folks — we say it a lot because we mean it: we’re grateful you’re in this fight with us and we’re so proud of the team we’ve built together.

Whether you’ve pitched in $5 or $500, signed a petition, or joined us in person at an event, we’re thankful for each and every one of you.

We’re already a quarter of the way through this election year, which means our team will have to start ramping up our efforts and kicking things into high gear to send Nikki back to Washington so she can keep making progress for families across Central and Southern Illinois.

So that’s why we’re asking today: With seven months to go before Election Day, will you join the foundation of our team and commit to a monthly gift today?

Please use the links in this email to begin your monthly gift:

Monthly gifts allow our team to make smarter investments and quicker decisions because they give us a foundation that we can depend on.

When you become a monthly donor, you’re sending a clear message to the extreme right that folks across Illinois don’t want an out-of-touch agenda that only benefits the ultra-wealthy, they want policies that center the working families that power the nation.

Nikki officially has an opponent, and the wealthy donors of the MAGA movement will spend whatever they have in order to flip this seat.

On average, our monthly donors are giving less than $18 a month to power this movement. So please, will you consider making a monthly gift today?

Please use the links in this email to begin your monthly gift:

Thanks for investing in our team.

— Team Nikki