With your continued support, I know we can level the playing field and win this election!
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I am committed to ensuring that the voice of the people is never silenced!
Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Preserving Democracy: I need your support now more than ever
Dear Friend,
Our founding fathers deemed freedom of speech so paramount that they placed it at the forefront of the Constitution, understanding that all other rights hinge upon it.
A government that has the capacity to silence its opponents has the power to commit any kind of atrocity.
We witnessed the alarming beginnings of such power abuse during the pandemic when our government initiated and actively engaged in the censorship of social media speech.
This was a seismic shift in American governance. Once the powers-that-be realized the public's complacency, and that there would be no media uproar, they brazenly violated other constitutional rights.
They shuttered countless businesses nationwide without due process or just compensation, a direct violation of the Fifth Amendment.
They trampled upon the remaining pillars of the First Amendment, curbing freedom of worship by closing down churches and synagogues across the country without scientific rationale or democratic procedure.
All the safeguards of the democratic process that I've spent four decades defending were discarded with impunity.
The abuses of power from the highest levels of our government continues to this day. The repercussions are dire, and the urgency cannot be overstated.
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I am the only candidate in this race who has steadfastly championed the ideals of free speech, individual liberty, and the protection of constitutional rights.
Now, more than ever, it is imperative to elect leaders who will fiercely defend the principles that define our democracy.
However, the truth is that meaningful change cannot come without resources. Unlike my opponents, who benefit from automatic ballot access and government-funded Secret Service protection, our campaign faces daunting financial barriers.
We must raise tens of millions of dollars to secure ballot access and provide adequate protection.
And we are on track. With your continued support, I know we can level the playing field and win this election!
Be assured, I am committed to continuing this crucial fight and ensuring that the voice of the people is never silenced.
Thank you for your unwavering support and trust in me as we strive to safeguard the rights and liberties of all Americans.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Donate Now
Kennedy-Shanahan 24

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