A woman who considers herself the victim of a chemical abortion says she “was not prepared for how severe and devastating” the abortion-inducing drugs she took would be.
The Washington Examiner’s Michael Barone explains how the physical world the Founding Fathers lived in affected their political ideas and set up America for greatness.
The Florida Supreme Court approves a ballot initiative perpetuating abortion advocates’ favored strategy of using vague definitions of “health” to expand abortion on demand.
An executive subpoenaed in a congressional investigation of companies with so-called ESG policies claims conservative legal activist Leonard Leo is behind a “crusade” to stop the practice.
Teachers unions can’t adopt discipline policies to prevent students from assaulting teachers or each other, but they’re convinced they can bring peace to the Middle East.
One-third of small-business owners say increased crime is cutting into their earnings, and 7 in 10 negatively grade President Biden’s performance in helping small businesses.
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