The GOPAC Newsletter: 04.05.24 

Mission Majority supports the election of state leaders to Congress


WG Discussion Points: What Republicans Could Learn From The Affordable Care Act

WG Discussion Points| David Winston

March 29, 2024

This month marks the 14-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. Even this many years later, Democrats are not passing up an opportunity to sell the legislation and its benefits as they define them. Former President Obama, Former Speake Pelosi, President Biden, and other leading Democratic figures have led a national effort to promote the anniversary of the ACA. The campaign includes testimonials of individuals who were personally impacted by the legislation.

Most Republicans admit the decade-long effort to repeal the ACA is over. But this hasn't stopped Democrats from relentlessly selling the benefits of the law 14 years later.


On Thursday, Chairman Avella joined Fox News Channel's Sandra Smith and John Roberts on Ameria Reports to talk about what issues will matter most to voters when they head to the polls in November.

Watch it here:


On Tuesday, Chairman Avella joined Fox Business Channel's Stuart Varney on Varney & Co. to discuss the high number of uncommitted voters in Wisconsin, and Robert Kennedy as a sizable candidate if he's on the ballot there.

Watch it here:


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