In a now infamous example, the Google LLM/Ai Gemini was asked to render pictures of various historical figures such as America's Founders and German Nazis. They depicted both the Founders and the Nazis as black!
Holy historical distortion Batman!
But was the problem limited to Gemini, or does it run deeper? Rozado used 11 political quizzes to test 24 AIs.
The World's Smallest Political Quiz was one of those quizzes!
How did the 24 LLM/AIs score, and where does The New York Times enter the picture?
Zvi Mowshowitz writes a newsletter about AI. He sold The Times on the idea of reporting about the Rozado story, and our quiz is presented as an interactive feature in that article. Mowshowitz reports that Rozado found a consistent pattern of bias among all 24 AIs he tested.
All of the AIs were biased toward the Left!
But get this, all of the AIs also leaned libertarian, as opposed to authoritarian!
Think about what just happened!
Readers of The New York Times just got exposed to the word libertarian! Some of them learned that it's the opposite of authoritarian, even if they understand nothing else about us. But it gets better...
Those readers also got the chance to take OUR QUIZ! Some of them will have discovered their own unrealized libertarian inclinations.
Still others will want to learn more about us.
That's a heaping helping of both outreach and persuasion. That puts us on the road to persuading more people to understand, embrace, and advocate self-government.
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