From Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association <>
Subject HJTA President Jon Coupal's column: The League of California Cities’ war on taxpayers
Date April 4, 2024 10:59 PM
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Discover how the League's past actions reflect an alarming disregard for taxpayer interests and local control.

At your request: This week's California Commentary by Jon Coupal
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** California Commentary

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** Don’t blame Prop. 13 for California’s mental health crisis

By Jon Coupal

The tax-and-spend lobby loves to blame Proposition 13 for all of California’s woes. This has become so routine that we at the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association have compiled a “Top 10” list of things for which Proposition 13 is alleged to be responsible.

Keep in mind that these are more than just general complaints that “Prop 13 prevents unlimited taxes on property.” We gladly accept the blame for that one. But most of the attacks lack foundation and many are just flat out laughable.

One of our favorites is the column penned for a small local paper by a physical education teacher who cited Proposition 13 as the reason the shot putters on his track team kept losing the heavy iron balls. It seems that the young athletes were unable to recover the shots in the high grass, and it was due to Proposition 13 that there was no money to keep the grass trimmed.

Then there was the columnist who blamed Proposition 13 for the not guilty verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. According to the author’s logic, Proposition 13 prevented Los Angeles from paying enough to hire the best investigators.

Of course, no criticism of Prop. 13 would be complete without bringing up the obligatory trope about how it “starved” education. This myth is harder to kill than a vampire despite incontrovertible data showing that per pupil spending, adjusted for inflation, is at least 30% higher now than the years leading up to Prop. 13’s passage in 1978.

Other societal ills for which Proposition 13 is alleged to be at fault: The increase in rates of obesity and the reduction in the number of choral singers. Seriously. We’re not making this stuff up.

To read the entire column, please click here ([link removed])

Click here to listen to this week's Howard Jarvis Podcast, "How Proposition 13 is Saving You Money" ([link removed]) The Howard Jarvis Podcast features HJTA President Jon Coupal and VP of Communications Susan Shelley with a lively conversation that takes you inside California government in a way that's fun, interesting and sometimes scary. Check out all the recent podcasts by clicking here: [link removed]
A note to our valued members and supporters: To increase the reach of our message to as many Californians as possible, HJTA made an agreement with the Southern California News Group papers to carry Jon Coupal's weekly column. The newspapers in the group, including the Orange County Register and the Los Angeles Daily News, have added a paywall that allows only a limited number of page views per month, and then asks readers to become subscribers. HJTA is not marketing these subscriptions or receiving any payment from them. The columns are exclusive to SCNG's papers for one week and then are posted in full on HJTA's own website, ([link removed]) , under "California Commentaries," where you can read them at your convenience, or read Jon's column online in all the SCNG papers at these links: ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed]) ([link removed])
Jon Coupal is the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA). He is a recognized expert in California fiscal affairs and has argued numerous tax cases before the courts.
HJTA always appreciates the support of its members, if it doesn't pose a hardship. Your donations help us fight to protect Proposition 13 and all California taxpayers.
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